
What To Post To Social Media For #PinkOutDay

by Eliza Castile
Scott Olson/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Sometimes, supporting reproductive health care is as easy as hitting a few buttons during your lunch break. Planned Parenthood has called for a Pink Out Day on Wednesday, March 29, to demonstrate to lawmakers that it has plenty of supporters. In fact, the majority of Americans oppose cutting federal funding for Planned Parenthood — not that this has stopped some legislators from doing their best to defund the health care provider. So if you're looking to lend your support on Wednesday, it's time to figure out what to post to social media on #PinkOutDay.

The movement comes as a response to the Republican healthcare bill, which included a provision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood. Although the American Health Care Act (ACHA) totally collapsed last week, yanked by conservative leaders on Friday after it became clear it would not receive enough votes to pass, Planned Parenthood warns that the fight to keep federal funding is far from over. "Anti-women’s health members of Congress haven’t given up their aim to 'defund' Planned Parenthood health centers and block patients from accessing care," writes the organization on its website.

According to Time, Planned Parenthood currently receives 40 percent of its operating budget in federal funding. Under the Hyde Amendment, none of this can be used to fund abortions, which make up just three percent of the organization's services. One of the biggest providers of reproductive health care in the nation, Planned Parenthood says it sees 2,470,000 patients annually, providing services like sex education, contraception, pap smears, and more. If it were to lose federal funding, hundreds of thousands of patients may lose access to reproductive health care, particularly in rural areas.

If that's the kind of future you don't want to live in, there are plenty of ways to support Planned Parenthood. You can start by helping turn the internet "Planned Parenthood Pink" on Wednesday — here's what to post on social media.

Share The Thunderclap

Halfway through Pink Out Day, Planned Parenthood has planned a pink "thunderclap" to take place on social media. Basically, you schedule a message of support in advance to post at noon on Wednesday. More than 14,000 other users will be doing the same thing, creating an outpouring of support at the same time. To sign up, head over to the Thunderclap webpage.

Post A Selfie

As part of Pink Out Day, Planned Parenthood is calling for people to upload selfies showing their support. Tag it with #IStandWithPP, and don't forget to show off your pink outfit. If you can round up an entire group of people celebrating Pink Out Day, even better.

Filter Your Profile Picture

One of the easiest, most visible ways to take part in Pink Out Day is adding Planned Parenthood's special filter to your profile picture. Head over to Twibbon, where you log in to Facebook or Twitter. Follow the instructions, and a few moments later, your profile picture is pink and feminist for the day.

Share Your Petition Signature

Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Finally, you can sign the #IStandWithPP petition, which calls on Congress to recognize the value of Planned Parenthood. "An attack on Planned Parenthood is an attack on me, and on my friends, family, and neighbors," the petition reads.

You can find the petition here. Once you've signed it, take a screenshot and share on social media to show that you're one of the thousands who support Planned Parenthood.