
Violet Voss' Perfect Weapon Applicator Is Coming

by Kali Borovic

You know the Silisponge makeup tool that you've been seeing everywhere lately? There's about to be another look-a-like in town. According to their Instagram post, it looks like Violet Voss created a silicone sponge applicator in two different colors. The company didn't say a lot about the new tool, but the name and the launch timeframe are clear. You'll be able to own one of these items very soon, my friends.

You'd think that the end of the year would make launches slow down a bit, but not with Violet Voss. The company has a few new launches coming soon, and both of them will get you excited to shop. The first is the Ride Or Die Palette, which has a sneak peek launch coming up soon. The second is something called The Perfect Weapon, and it looks pretty darn awesome.

There weren't too many details given on the Instagram post, but the caption does say that it will be available sometime the week of Dec. 26. The applicator comes in blue and pink and works with cream and powder products. If it's the silicone makeup sponge that it looks to be, there's no doubt in my mind that it will become a bestselling product.

Kicking it off with a pink and a blue tool? Yes, please! They didn't say exactly what time or what day they would be launching these creations, but it's still sometime soon. I see no better of a way to spend your holiday money than on a new makeup tool.


This isn't the first time you might have seen the design though. Molly Cosmetics came out with their own version of the applicator earlier in the year. It's called the Silisponge. Since then, people have been trying everything from the original product to bra inserts to do their makeup. I guess fans have another one to add into the mix!

With all their new products coming out, Violet Voss is clearly on a roll. It looks like 2017 is going to be a great year for beauty!

Images: shopvioletvoss/Instagram (1)