
We Definitely Need More 'Gilmore Girls'

by Allie Gemmill
Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Let's be real for a second: We need more Gilmore Girls episodes and we need them immediately. I'm glad we got those pesky final four words out of the way but you can't tell me that you're cool just living your life without a bit more closure, are you? I certainly am not cool with the current endpoint of Gilmore Girls. That cut to black right after the final four words was not exactly the moment I had hoped for with the Netflix revival. Frankly, I think Gilmore Girls still has some major territory they need to cover.

Moreover, I think that there is a serious need to dive deeper into these new storylines that have been set up at the end of the fourth revival episode. Not just because I want to know who is the father of Rory's baby or whether Rory will end up with Jess (and truthfully, I think they should end up together), but because it's so plain that we've just barely scratched the surface for a lot of these plotlines.

The revival was great for potentially acting as a prologue to this and it was great to see Luke and Lorelai make their way to the altar. I was so happy to see that Emily was forging a new, independent path for herself, by herself. And Rory had barely scratched the surface of functional adulthood. Do you mean to tell me I'm supposed to just imagine what the lives of the Gilmore women are like in 2017 without any new episodes to back that up? No way. Here's why Gilmore Girls needs to come back with more episodes ASAP.

Rory's Pregnancy Is Life-Changing

As mentioned above, Rory was only just getting some stability in her life. By the end of the revival, she had moved home to Star's Hollow, was running the local newspaper, and had finally found some peace with her mom after fighting over writing a book about her mother's life. Then, Rory has the nerve to drop the pregnancy bombshell without further explanation? This definitely warrants four to six episodes packed with closure and perhaps a peek into Rory's life as a new mom.

Luke & Lorelai May Have A Rocky Start To Their Marriage

Luke and Lorelai may have always been endgame but this marriage is big, new territory. Lorelai and Luke have been living together for some time now but entering into married life could introduce new obstacles for them. Part of what makes watching them enjoyable is that they are at odds as often as they are on the same level. We definitely need a solid full season arc to see where the first year of married life takes them.

Emily's New Life Path Is A Big Swerve

Emily is feeling good, living her best life, and doing things her way. For the first time in a long time, she is own her own. If there were more episodes, her storyline would most likely be a light-hearted romp through her Golden Years. I would love to see her adventures detailed in another three to five episodes.

Jess Is Still A Question Mark In Rory's Life

Of all the possible men in Rory's life that are strong romantic contenders, Jess is the only one left standing and worth our time. Logan will no doubt get married to his fiancée, Paul is definitely out of the picture, and I highly doubt Wookie Guy will be passing through Star's Hollow any time soon. It was clear Jess had lingering feelings for Rory and I think that if we had a half season arc where Jess comes back for Rory after realizing he can't live without her, we'd all be the better for it.

The Ending Doesn't Need To Be Satisfying, Just Better

Listen, I'm not saying that Gilmore Girls has to end neatly and perfectly. If there is one thing I applaud show creator Amy Sherman-Palladino, it's that she helped make the conscious and creative choice to cut to black on a wild high note. However, the journey with the Gilmore girls has never been a smooth one and there is still at least one full-length season's worth of loose-end-tying left to do. By all means, end the season on a messy cliff-hanger, but this one we've currently been left on doesn't do justice to the characters and stories we've grown to love over the years.

I'm thinking we all need to pitch in and start a letter-writing campaign to Sherman-Palladino for more episodes. Who's with me?