
'Playing House' Season 4 Needs To Happen

by Samantha Atzeni
Michael Yarish/USA Network

After a two year wait, fans were finally gifted Season 3 of the Jessica St. Clair and Lennon Parham sitcom, Playing House. Besties Emma and Maggie are still the same unpredictable and hilarious women, but this most recent season focused on a more serious storyline than the previous two. This chapter of their journey will come to an end on July 14, but will fans have as long to wait for Playing House Season 4?

As of right now, USA has not announced plans to renew Playing House for Season 4. However, series creators and stars St. Clair, who plays Emma, and Parham, who plays Maggie, are hopeful for a possible renewal. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Parham reflected on potential for Season 4. "We would love to do the show for the rest of our lives, till the end of time, basically," she said. "Hopefully that will happen and hopefully we won't have to wait very long to find out."

For Season 3, the show made the decision to include its darkest arc yet: Emma's cancer diagnosis. This type of storyline can be tricky for comedy, but Emma and Maggie's devotion to each other remains at the show's center. With a possible Season 4, Playing House may have an opportunity to develop this incredible bond even further as Emma begins her life as a breast cancer survivor.

Michael Yarish/USA Network

The series has always been partially autobiographical, and this plot was pulled from the stars' real lives as well. St. Clair penned a personal essay for Stand Up To Cancer where she detailed being diagnosed with Stage 2B estrogen positive breast cancer in 2015. St. Clair chose to have a double mastectomy with "one step reconstruction" surgery, followed by 16 rounds of chemo. Through it all, she shares that Parham was at her side.

St. Clair and Parham got an opportunity to share their experience in Season 3's episode "You Wanna Roll With This?” in which Emma undergoes her mastectomy and reconstruction. This episode shows what Playing House does best: everyone coming together to support Emma and Maggie. In this episode, viewers get to see Emma’s real fear of leaving Charlotte and Maggie behind if she dies.

In an interview with Variety, St. Clair and Parham discussed the difficulty of taking their real experience with St. Clair's diagnosis and adapting it for Playing House. Both women expressed the challenges of showing particular moments, like going through chemo, and the choices to include actual conversations that St. Clair had with her real doctor and plastic surgeon. "The truth is, it does take a village to take care of somebody who’s sick, and so we just, at all times, tried to be authentic to the actual experience we had," St. Clair said. "And the experience we had was that Lennon was with me; [she] did not leave my side for an entire year."

St. Clair and Parham’s chemistry as real-life friends contributes to Playing House’s powerful message of family and friendship. If Season 4 were to happen, fans could look forward to even more bittersweet, autobiographical moments.