Mercury retrograde is typically not something people look forward to. Considering Mercury is the planet that rules communication, travel, and technology, when it's in retrograde, all of those things are said to go haywire — so it's not really a fun time for anyone. Unfortunately, though, Mercury retrograde is exactly what's happening between Oct. 31 and Nov. 20, in the sign of Scorpio — which means that the issues we face may be related to money, romance, and sex.
But while this may be a slightly more chaotic time than normal, it's not bad news for everyone. In fact, some zodiac signs may even have a chance of meeting someone during Mercury retrograde — although some signs will definitely have that chance more than others.
Now, it's definitely true that Mercury retrograde isn't typically the best time to jump into anything new or make any big decisions that will seriously affect your life. That usually includes relationships! That being said, it's also a time to reflect on the past, and maybe even bring some things back... including relationships. Plus, with Mercury retrograde happening in emotionally intense Scorpio, it's not surprising that it's going to have an affect on our love lives as well.
Bustle spoke about Mercury retrograde with astrologer Lisa Stardust, who said, "Mercury retrograde will bring exes our way — as well as new flames." She added that while it's "possible" to meet new people, a few signs have the best chance of doing so. Dying to know if yours is included in those signs? Here are the people who have the best chance of starting something new:
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Normally, it's not advised to jump into anything new during Mercury retrograde, but let's make an exception for you, Taurus. Stardust said, "A chance encounter will make you believe in past life connections. Don’t say no to going out on a date, even if they aren’t your type. You may have fun!" So, remember: Say yes to a new opportunity, and it could really pay off in the end, even if you feel like that person isn't your type.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer, you do have the chance to meet someone new, but you shouldn't expect them to come waltzing into your life really easily. Stardust said, "As long as you put yourself out there, you can meet someone new. Don’t be shy!" Take that as your goal for this retrograde period — be more social.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Mercury retrograde is happening during your birthday season, so of course it's going to have some sort of effect on your love life! Stardust said, "Even if you are unsure of your Bumble and Tinder possibilities, don’t worry because you may find someone you like IRL. Keep your eyes open!" In other words, even if things seem hopeless, they aren't. This is your time to shine, despite the cosmic energy out there.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Capricorn, you may not meet someone new, but you may find that an existing relationship is going to become a little more serious. "A friend with benefits may up their status to permanent bedfellow," said Stardust. "Be open to the relationship evolving."