Jennifer Gerson

Jennifer Gerson

Jennifer Gerson is a journalist who reports on the intersection of health, gender, politics and culture for Bustle. At Bustle, she contributes in-depth features that take a human interest approach to understanding the way we live now.  A long-time reporter and writer, she has written about everything from the changing landscape of abortion regulation at the state-level to the way fake women's health centers target college-age women, from the way reality television reflects current cultural standards on sex and relationships to the way reproductive rights have changed the political landscape in Georgia.  Her work has appeared in Cosmopolitan, The Guardian, Teen Vogue, The New York Times, Insider, Marie Claire, Glamour, Mic, and other national publications. Gerson was the recipient of the 2015 Maggie Award for her reproductive and sexual health reporting work at Yahoo Health. In 2019, she was twice nominated by the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME), for her work in Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire, respectively. Gerson was one of the founding editors of and the founding fashion editor of  A native Atlantan, Jennifer lives in her hometown with her husband, daughter, and very sneaky cat, and is grateful to live and work in a place where so many critical national issues play out in her own backyard. When she isn't waiting outside the ballet studio for her daughter, she can be found eagerly consuming the Internet meme of the day or watching reality TV where people are expected to fall in love.

A group of women drink wine at a lake house. As the pandemic has ended, social drinking has resumed ...


Social Drinking Is Back. So Are Hangovers.

Going out to bars again? Prepare to feel some type of way after.

By Jennifer Gerson
Two young women make awkward small talk after not seeing each other during the pandemic. What to say...


The Return Of Awkward Small Talk

What to say to someone you haven’t seen since 2019.

By Jennifer Gerson

Reality TV

'Married At First Sight' Doesn’t Need Happily Ever Afters

A wedding is baked into the premise, but more often than not, so is a divorce. But is that a bad thing?

By Jennifer Gerson
Trump/Pence Make America Great Again 2016 presidential campaign lawn signs sit on the side of the ro...


“I Just Have Nothing Nice To Say”

How Millennials are attempting to rebuild the relationships with their Trump-supporting parents.

By Jennifer Gerson
An over the shoulder view of young woman tracking her menstrual cycle on a note pad. Fertility aware...


Fertility Awareness Is Controversial. These Women Opted For It Anyway.

The birth control method helped some feel a sense of control during an out-of-control year.

By Jennifer Gerson
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend struggled with infertility before turning to IVF.


Chrissy Teigen Shares What She Wishes She Did Before Trying To Get Pregnant

"You have such googly eyes going into your 20s — you don’t expect that you’re going to be one of those people who experiences anything negative.”

By Jennifer Gerson
Side by side comparisons of Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccine bottles. Memes about getting the same C...


Your COVID Vaccine Brand Is Basically Your New Zodiac Sign

People who’ve been vaccinated share how they’re bonding with others who got their same shot.

By Jennifer Gerson
Stacks of cash and skincare products. One woman describes paying off her student loans by selling ro...

How I Paid It Off

I Sold Rodan + Fields To Pay Off $100k In Student Loans

“I will never let my future children do what I did.”

By Jennifer Gerson

How I Paid It Off

I Donated My Eggs To Pay Off My Student Loans

“It was such a no-brainer.”

By Jennifer Gerson
Female doctor vaccinating middle age female patient at home. People are wondering if the COVID vacci...


What An OB-GYN Wants You To Know If Your Period Is Weird Post-Vaccine

“I had the worst cramps of my existence.”

By Jennifer Gerson


How One COVID Vaccine Angel Was Able To Get 21 People Vaccinated

Carlin, 35, explains how she gets people their shots on top of her day job.

By Jennifer Gerson
Red dye is used to show the nucleus of any cells in a sample from a rape kit at the LAPD's crime lab...


A New Bill Would Fix A Major Issue With Caring For Sexual Assault Survivors

“I have a feeling we’re going to be shocked on how bad it is.”

By Jennifer Gerson
From above of a yellow rotary dial telephone off the hook on a blue background.  Arkansas' latest an...

Reproductive Rights

Arkansas’ Latest Anti-Abortion Laws Include A Mandatory Hotline

“Adopting restriction after restriction has become rote in Arkansas.”

By Jennifer Gerson


How Indigenous Women Repealed New Mexico’s Longstanding Abortion Ban

“This is why we have to get our stories out.”

By Jennifer Gerson
Covid-19 vaccines on a tray. Women describe what it's like to be eligible for the covid vaccine base...


What It’s Like To Get The COVID Vaccine Because Of Your BMI

"I am eligible, but do I need the vaccine?"

By Jennifer Gerson
COVID-19 vaccination stickers.


Who Makes The “I Got Vaccinated!” Stickers Anyway?

“When I see women I know from church in my hometown posting pictures of their stickers … I see people with a sense of hope after a really long year.”

By Jennifer Gerson
Image of Jessica Wilson in front of a wall with a Harriet Tubman quote, "every great dream begins wi...

Social Media

How A Dietitian & Activist Coped After Gaining 100K Instagram Followers

“All the time and energy I spend on Instagram posts is made worth it when Black women can see themselves in this conversation.”

By Jennifer Gerson
A woman in a foggy forest. Here's what COVID brain fog feels like and what a possible cause might be...


Here’s What COVID Brain Fog Feels Like — And What To Do About It

“It seems so silly that you couldn’t automatically think of what you wanted immediately.”

By Jennifer Gerson
A GameStop storefront. GameStop stocks is the drama of the internet this week.

Social Media

GameStop Stocks Are The Internet’s Main Character This Week

Plus, what the drama means for making investing more accessible.

By Jennifer Gerson
Pro abortion protestors in front of the Capitol. Abortion advocates explain their priorities for the...


Abortion Advocates’ Biggest Priorities For The Next 4 Years

Forty-eight years since Roe v. Wade, there’s still a lot of work to do.

By Jennifer Gerson