The words "Vice Week" are collaged with images associated with vices: a Las Vegas sign, a hot rod, a...
Emma Chao/Bustle; Getty Images/Stocksy

Letter From The Editors

Eight years ago, a well-documented surge in “self-care” began — an effort to leverage vitamin-rich face creams as a means of coping with chronic stress and societal malaise. When it feels like the world is falling apart, it’s easy to think that you are the only thing you can control and to channel all your effort into self-improvement. If you can’t have a more perfect union, perhaps you at least could have a more perfect you?

Turns out, however, that there’s a limit to the power of lotions and potions — that no matter how much you exercise and eat well, there is no immunity tincture for the chaos around you. So this year, we have a different proposal: lowering the bar. (Or perhaps flinging it on the ground.) Rather than trying to rise above, meet the world where it is. If everything is terrible, why can’t you be just a little bit terrible, too? In a mostly harmless but deeply cathartic way? The relief of giving in, the pleasure of tasting what’s forbidden, it feels good — especially if no one but you pays for your mini-transgression.

Save your energy for the things that really matter (your relationships, actual impact-focused advocacy) and indulge yourself elsewhere. Everyone has a harmless little vice; now’s the time to enjoy it. Hell, it might even be good for you — make you a little happier, or teach you something about yourself. You can’t know until you try! So order that third cocktail or second dessert. Scroll to your heart’s content, and let that next episode autoplay. Scratch that itch. It’s 2025: Welcome to the Year of the Snake.

Prank Calls Are Back, Baby

Everyone else moved on, but I’m still all about *67. By Lukas Gage

By Lukas Gage

I’m Fighting For My Life In The Comments & It Feels Great

After the election, I tried punching back. By Lauren Bans

By Lauren Bans

Day Trading Is Just Gambling In Sheep's Clothing. And I F*cking Love It.

Come on in, the water’s fine — and the money’s great. By Sarah Lewittin

By Sarah Lewitinn

You Can Pry My $6 Coffee From My Cold, Dead Hands

I will not apologize for my daily caffeine fix — no matter how much it costs on an annualized basis. By Peyton Dix

By Peyton Dix

Stick Me Full Of Needles

Spray tans, Botox, facials, filler, and falsies? I’ll take the lot. By Allie Rowbottom

By Allie Rowbottom

My favorite vice is bingeing TV. If there’s a whole season available, I’m watching all of it as fast as I can. No savoring! But also no spoilers, and you get ahead of the annoying discourse.

— Aminatou Sow, writer and interviewer

For me, it’s a real toss-up between smoking, talking sh*t, and eating sugar. I heard recently that sh*t-talking is a sign of superior intelligence, and while I know that’s something only a sh*t-talker would say, it is certainly the excuse I am going to run to next time I get caught.

— Lola Kirke, author of Wild West Village

My vice is the Crunchwrap Supreme from Taco Bell. It’s like a greatest hits compilation of everything Taco Bell does well: crunchy, chewy, and cheesy, all in one aesthetic handheld. I need to have one Crunchwrap a week to remain in proper balance.

— Diablo Cody, screenwriter

I know no middle ground, so. Life is my vice. It’s Manic Euphoria or Horrible Depression and no in between. If I’m having fun, I do too much of it. If something feels good, I’ll chase it forever and consume, consume, consume until it’s gone and I’m in trouble.

— Annie Hamilton, writer and performer

There’s nothing I like better than procrastinating for weeks over things that could be done in under an hour. Giving myself the hardest time possible by putting off the world’s easiest tasks is by far my favorite vice.

— Kristen Arnett, New York Times bestselling novelist

My vices are fast food and swearing. There’s nothing better than pulling up to the drive-thru, smelling the fries, seeing what new items are on the menu along with your classics, and getting extra sauce for dipping. When they know you by name? That’s magic. Also love the energy that is released when you mutter the “f*ck” word. It says so much, even though it’s only four letters. But those letters combined can show an emotion no others can.

— Lisa Barlow, Real Housewives of Salt Lake City cast member