7 Powerful Truths About Birth Control That Will Help You Reclaim Your Sex Life

Some may consider self-care a part of finding the right birth control for your own body. Finding one that works for you in the short and long term can be as important as finding time to relax and reset in our day to day. There's nothing more empowering than equipping yourself with as much information as you can on your birth control options. A popular prescription birth control option Phexxi® (lactic acid, citric acid and potassium bitartrate) Vaginal Gel 1.8%, 1%, 0.4% is making it even easier for people with vaginas to take the wheel on preventing pregnancy.
The FDA-approved prescription gel is used on-demand up to an hour before each act of vaginal sex. It doesn’t contain any hormones, doesn’t require you to take it daily or have anything implanted. Not sure how such a unicorn exists? With the help of Shan Boodram†, a certified intimacy educator and sexual wellness expert, here's a crash course on how Phexxi works, plus the ways this hormone-free prescription vaginal gel allows you to feel in control of your sexual health.
1. Sex Changes Your Vagina’s pH Levels.
The last time you've heard of pH was likely in your high school chemistry class — not in reference to your vagina. But your vagina (as well as the rest of your skin) has a pH that's affected by the balance of good and unhealthy bacteria. Your menstrual cycle, douching, and other factors can play a role in throwing off your vaginal pH.
“I think it's important for everyone to understand pH from a personal wellness standpoint. It can unlock a lot of information, especially for people with vaginas and vulvas, to understand why sometimes you don't feel great down there and how that balance can make an impact on how your vulva looks, smells, and feels,” says Boodram.
Your vagina's pH can also change when you have sex. The vaginal pH is typically between 3.5 to 4.5, which is more acidic on the pH scale*. Semen is more basic (or alkaline), with a pH of 7.2 to 8, which allows sperm to be mobile. “Use of Phexxi vaginal gel keeps your vaginal pH in that 3.5 to 4.5 sweet spot where sperm cannot move, which helps to prevent pregnancy,” says Boodram.
2. How You Feel Mentally And Physically May Affect Your Desire For Sex.
Some women are satisfied using hormonal birth control as their primary means of contraception, but for some, hormonal birth control is just not right for them.
"Hormones play a role in a wide range of things," says Boodram. "So even though you want the benefit of making controlled decisions around family planning, often you don’t know how hormonal birth control is going to impact you specifically until you're taking it. Your doctor can be a resource for helping you figure out what impact it may have on you based on your needs and any hormonal imbalances. But a non-hormonal birth control option like Phexxi could be an incredible option."
3. Hormone-Free Birth Control Requires Less Commitment.
Determining the right birth control option for you may involve some self-reflection. The global pandemic amongst other unforeseen circumstances within the past year alone may have altered our typical sex drives, desires and habits. "A lot of people, especially if you're single, aren't having as much partnered sex as they used to just by virtue of keeping safe," says Boodram. "So a hormonal option that you were taking every single day — and [that was] existing in your body around the clock — may not be the best option for you right now."
A benefit of Phexxi being a hormone-free gel is that it's also an on-demand birth control option. You only use it when you're going to have sex. "You use Phexxi immediately or up to one hour before each sexual act, so that allows you the freedom to only use your birth control on the days you want to have sex," Boodram adds. Phexxi gives you the choice to alleviate that planning stress and enjoy the moment by using it only when you need it. "And if you’re not having sex, then you don’t have to change anything about the way you treat your body that day. It’s a benefit for people who are looking for more daily control for their family planning methods.” Phexxi can be used with other forms birth control (just don’t use Phexxi with vaginal rings).
4. Your Doctor Can Help You Find A Birth Control That Fits Your Needs.
When it comes to hormonal birth control, there could be a lot of trial and error. Your body can take a few weeks to adjust, so it might take at least that long to see how your body reacts to it. It can be time consuming and expensive to find the right one. “Start by asking your healthcare provider questions,” says Boodram. “They will know more about your unique needs and health concerns. Just know you shouldn’t have to settle, because there are so many incredible options out there, and working with your doctor, you can find the one that fits [within your wellness goals].” If you are eligible for Phexxi, your doctor can give you a prescription on the spot. Or, you can visit for a telehealth appointment with one of their partner doctors and get your prescription delivered to you in the mail.
5. Hormone-Free Birth Control Is A Part Of Your Self-Care.
With the weight of everything going on in our lives lately, it can be difficult to make self-care a priority. Often when you hear about self-care, it's in the realm of the “treat yo’self” mentality – but it’s so much more than that. Contrary to what you might think, self-care is really more about paying close attention to what you need physically, mentally, or emotionally in the moment. “Birth control is a part of a self-care regimen,” says Boodram. “Part of the beauty of 2021 are the options that [we] have today. If you are choosing birth control as part of your wellness plan because you want to be in control of your family planning, make sure you are keeping your sexual health and mood in mind.”
6. Birth Control Can Supplement Natural Contraceptive Methods.
Natural contraceptive methods can be achieved in many ways, including withdrawal, basal body temperature tracking, or fertility awareness. "I encourage getting to know your body," says Boodram. "Having that type of relationship where you understand when your temperature goes up or you're noting the changes in your discharge, that's an amazing wellness practice." Natural contraceptive methods can be ideal for people who are looking to avoid hormone manipulation, but they can also be confusing, hard to follow, and/or leave the onus on your partner (in the case of pulling out or male condom usage). With typical use, which accounts for potential mistakes in administration such as forgetting to use Phexxi one hour before sex, Phexxi was 86% effective at preventing pregnancy in the clinical trial. "If you want that extra assurance and additional awareness for yourself, Phexxi will still work when you're ovulating, and with perfect use, it has a 93% success rate," says Boodram.
7. Finding The Right Birth Control For YOU Is Important
Finding the right birth control not only gives you more confidence in your family planning but more empowerment over your sex drive, too. "We don’t usually equate birth control to confidence, but anyone who has used birth control realizes how closely those two are linked," says Boodram. "If your hormones are out of balance, there’s a big chance it could be affecting your sex drive. I think that being in control of your birth control shows that you’re in the know when it comes to your body. It can even be fun to educate your partner on something new. It speaks to the power of being comfortable in your skin. And that’s incredibly sexy."
Phexxi® is an on-demand method of birth control used to prevent pregnancy. Phexxi® is not effective when used after sex.
† Shan Boodram is a paid spokesperson of Phexxi®.
Important Safety Information
If you have had a history of repeated urinary tract infections or other urinary tract problems, avoid Phexxi®.
The most common side effects were vaginal burning and itching, yeast infection, urinary tract infection, vaginal area discomfort, bacterial vaginosis, vaginal discharge, genital discomfort (including in male partners), and pain while urinating.
Phexxi® does not protect against any sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Avoid using Phexxi® with a vaginal ring.
Contact your healthcare provider if you are experiencing severe genital irritation or discomfort or urinary tract symptoms.
For more information about Phexxi®, talk to your healthcare provider and see full Product Information.
Please report side effects by contacting Evofem Biosciences® toll-free at 1-833-EVFMBIO or contact FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or
Phexxi is a registered trademark of Evofem Biosciences, Inc.
Trademarks, registered or otherwise, are the property of their respective owner(s).
© 2021 Evofem Biosciences, Inc.
This article is sponsored by Phexxi®. Please visit for the full prescribing information.