Chill Chat
Kate Hudson On The Wellness Practice That Keeps Her Happy
The star shares her health essentials and favorite workouts.

In Chill Chat, Bustle sits down with stars to chat about all things wellness, from their workout playlists to their most reliable self-care hacks. Here, Kate Hudson shares her approach to fitness and the gut-boosting beverage she has every morning.
It’s not every day you get to have breakfast smoothies with Kate Hudson — but alas, I found myself doing exactly that one chilly morning in January. The 42-year-old actor was in town to celebrate her wellness brand Inbloom’s partnership with Bluestone Lane, a nationwide cafe that’s now offering a selection of the line’s ingestible powders, some of which we were going to taste test.
“The whole point of creating this brand was to make this accessible to people, so to have it somewhere where people can just gather and drink it is really exciting for us,” Hudson tells me as she sips on Berry Brekkie, one of the smoothies from the collab. If you follow Hudson on Instagram, you’re definitely familiar with her passion for cooking up healthy recipes, smoothies included — but she’s equally into concocting cocktails. (The entrepreneur has a vodka line, after all.)
“I’m a real believer in ‘everything in moderation,’” says Hudson. “It’s important to be motivated and stay as healthy as you can, but sometimes you just need to take a deep breath and have a day where you watch television and do nothing.” Although Hudson has developed a reputation as a wellness influencer of sorts (she’s also the co-founder of athleisure brand Fabletics), the star says she doesn’t follow a strict routine. “I’m an Aries. I’m not routine-oriented,” she says. “I’m always ready to create something new, try something new — it’s a lot of fire.”
Here, Hudson reveals how she stays motivated, the music she sweats to, and why time with friends is key for her mental health.
What’s your overall approach to wellness?
As much as it’s about how we are actively supporting it through health and nutrition and an active lifestyle, it’s also about how we are looking at our life mentally and how we’re able to manage stress and complicated times. The idea that wellness needs to be super-regimented I think becomes very daunting. I like to talk about it. The stronger we get, the more interested in health we become and the more we understand what supplements our body, and it becomes a domino effect of good.
How do you like to start your day?
My mornings are simple. I wake up, I have some warm water and black coffee, hang out with my kids, take them to school, and then I work out.
Do you only drink coffee, or do you also like tea?
I do a little bit of both. I drink a lot of green and herbal teas with dandelion root, which we actually have in our products. It’s great for water retention.
Is there a reason you drink warm water?
I have a Chinese medicine doctor who says it’s really good for your system and your gut. [Editor’s note: Further research is needed to prove this.] I’ll drink it in the morning with some lemon.
What’s your favorite workout right now?
Because I grew up dancing, my body responds really well to Pilates. I think when I feel the strongest, it’s from Pilates and functional training. I have this amazing trainer, Brian, who has taught me so much about the body. My body changed when I started doing functional training — it’s opened up my hips differently. I honestly think deadlifts are the key to any really good, strong body. I also like to dance. I like my Peloton. I love to bike. I switch it up a lot.
What’s your favorite music to dance or work out to?
It really depends on my mood. I used to listen to Arcade Fire when I got into running, but I don’t run as much anymore. Sometimes I just want EDM-type music to work out to, or hip-hop. Or really emotional contemporary dance-type music. It’s all over the place.
What’s an essential part of your wellness regimen?
Sometimes wellness is going out with your friends. Connection plays a huge part in how we feel. And when we’re feeling happier, our immune system is stronger. When we experience fear or stress, our immune system starts to dip down. I don’t think these things should ever be overlooked.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.
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