
Your April Love Horoscope

Prepare for some unexpected DMs.

Spring flings may be simmering now that winter is finally over, but the astrology of April 2024 is here to get serious. This month, the planets have cooked up a chaotic Mercury retrograde plus one of the most powerful eclipses of the year. Regarding love and romance, there are some major cosmic moments that all zodiac signs should look out for and your April love horoscopes can help you navigate these astrological waves.

The month begins with Mercury retrograde on April 1, which turns things upside down like clear communication or time management from now through April 25. Be extra conscious of how you express your feelings to your lovers, as words can easily get twisted during this time. Embrace flexibility when scheduling (or rescheduling) dates, too.

When it comes to romance, however, slowing down is harder to do — as love planet Venus enters passionate Aries on April 5. This transit will bring out your feistier side in dating and relationships, and it’s a fabulous time to prioritize your pleasure. Remember that the solar eclipse on April 8 could bring emotions and sensitivities to a climax, so be gentle with yourself and your lovers over those few days.

By the time Taurus season rolls around on April 19, eclipse season will be over and it will be time to welcome the sensual and pleasure-centric vibes of this fixed earth sign’s energy. Beware of exes (or welcome them with open arms, depending on your vibe), as Mercury retrograde will align with Venus, bringing past entanglements back into focus. This can be a good time to patch up lingering issues in partnerships or finally reach out to someone from the past for closure.

Soon after, the full moon in sultry and emotional Scorpio on April 23 paves the way for deeper intimacy in relationships, so long as you’re willing to dig beneath the surface of your desires. The month ends with exciting energy shifts in romance — as love and sex planets Venus and Mars enter their home signs of rulerships, making them extra powerful and sparkly.

Read on for your April 2024 love horoscope, based on your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

The heat is on this month, Aries! Things kick off with Mercury retrograding in your sign alongside amorous Venus, so be gentle in communicating your feelings and needs, or else your lovers could wind up with hurt feelings. Your wild-hearted impulsiveness is part of your charm, but slowing down will help avoid miscommunications in love. Allow extra space for your emotions under the solar eclipse in your sign on April 8, as you’re undergoing some deep heart-healing and personal growth spurts. By the time this eclipse season ends, you might feel like a different person, and your relationships should adjust accordingly.

The full moon on April 23 is emotionally charged, so be conscious of your triggers and willing to face what lies beneath the surface of your relationships and desires. The month wraps up with your passionate cosmic ruler Mars entering your sign, boosting your libido to new heights and giving you the gusto necessary to speak your mind in relationships and make moves toward your lustiest desires.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The first week of April is a lovely time to put your most romantic fantasies into words. Make a dreamy playlist to send to a crush or share sweet words of affirmation with a lover. Try to carry this energy into the solar eclipse on April 8, because emotions will run high and everyone’s feelings will be extra sensitive — yours included.

Plan some fun and flirty nights out once your birthday season starts on April 19, then look out for breakthroughs in your love life under the full moon on April 23. This lunation hits your partnerships sector, and it’s helping you let go of unhealthy relationship dynamics to make room for more meaningful romantic commitments, whether that’s a spring fling or a long-term thing. Prepare for a sparkly glow-up at the end of the month, as your cosmic ruler Venus — planet of love and beauty — is gracing your sign starting April 29. You’re stepping into May with plenty of seductive powers on your side.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Lover planet Venus is lighting up your social sector starting April 5, making this month a fabulous time to hit the town for some flirty nights out if you’re single or plan some group dates with friends if you’re partnered. Just be careful not to speak too impulsively or accidentally sext the wrong person, as your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde! If you’re open to dating, a missed connection or an old friends-with-benefits situation could circle back into your life mid-month. Keep an open heart if so, as you never know if there’s a fateful reason this person is suddenly popping back into your life.

All the Mercury retrograde activity could be exhausting for you, so the last third of the month is best spent embracing rest and relaxation. The full moon on April 23 is a great time to purge your inboxes of any stale text flirtations and make more time to spend with a significant other or an otherwise meaningful connection. Use this time to swipe from the comfort of your bed or spend some romantic and restorative time at home with your partner.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Let your fantasies fly freely throughout the first week of the month and give your desire room to grow. You’re open to new experiences in romance now, so allowing your imagination to soar could make your love life even sexier. The solar eclipse on April 8 is here to help you overcome fears about leaving your comfort zone. Branching out and being vulnerable isn’t easy, but relationships are an adventure — so let your heart enjoy the ride!

Your career life keeps you booked and busy through the first half of the month, so be sure to make a concerted effort to see your significant other (and don’t overlook that person who keeps catching your eye at work happy hour). But once Taurus season comes, you’ll be ready to get a little more social and have some flirtatious fun. Hit the town with your single friends or take your partner to an exciting event to change up the scenery. The full moon on April 23 hits your dating sector, so use that energy to up the intimacy factor in a casual dating situation or light up a spicier sense of passion in an existing partnership.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)

You may find yourself feeling drawn to new experiences in the dating and relationships realm during the first week of the month. You’ll be keen to experiences that can serve as a mirror to your deepest desires. This is especially powerful as we lead up to the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8, so go out on a limb and try something that may have previously been outside your comfort zone, whether with a brand-new person or a longtime lover.

Once the eclipse passes, it’s time to reevaluate your emotional boundaries in love, sex, and partnerships, thanks to lusty Mars aligning with tough-love Saturn in your intimacy sector mid-month. It can be easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of feelings and passions right now, but taking things slow can make the fire of desire simmer much longer. Once you’ve taken some precautions to protect your sweet lion heart, you can really let loose at the end of the month, as it’s the perfect time to act on your fantasies and explore your hidden desires with someone you trust. Whether single or partnered, now’s the perfect time to be a little more adventurous in the bedroom.

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Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

The first week of April is a dreamy time to get lost in the lavender haze of romance, so lean into your fantasies and let your imagination sprinkle some magic into your love life. However, Mercury retrograde will have you rethinking your emotional boundaries and revisiting buried feelings for most of the month, too — and the solar eclipse on April 8 will bring those hidden desires into the bright light of day. Don’t be afraid to face your subterranean feelings and start working through what lies beneath the surface of your partnerships! Honoring your truth and learning to be vulnerable is a must.

The passionate full moon on April 23 could prompt important conversations with your lovers, so start practicing the lessons you’ve learned and prepare to share all that’s been brewing in your heart over the past few weeks. By the last week of the month, you’ll feel loosened up and more ready to have some fun — as amorous Venus will join the sun in your adventure sector, lighting up your taste for the unknown. Enjoy the magic.

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Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

With Mercury retrograde and the solar eclipse hitting your relationship zone, your love life is twisting, turning, and transforming this month, Libra. The new moon eclipse on April 8 pushes you to overcome big challenges and fears around commitment. Face your true desires and zoom toward your heart’s ultimate truth! You’re craving depth and intensity from your lovers, so whether you’re dealing with a fling or an LTR, cut past the small talk and get into something real.

Mid-month, some Venusian conjunctions (also in your relationship zone) bring fateful meet-cutes or important romantic developments, and perhaps a chance to make long overdue amends too. Sensitivities around relationships flare as you approach the full moon on April 23, but this heightened awareness of past or present heartache could allow you to heal it. You’ve learned a lot of lessons and endured shifts around your closest partnerships and values this month — and by the last days of April, you’ll finally have the clarity, motivation, and drive to start taking action on them. More changes lie ahead, but this time the ball’s in your court!

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Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

Your schedule’s all jumbled this month thanks to Mercury retrograde, so give yourself plenty of wiggle room when planning dates, and don’t take it too personally if someone has to flake at the last minute. Now’s a time for second chances, Scorpio! The first week of April is filled with day-dreamy energy in your romance zone, so use this sweet vibe to get closer to a lover or take a chance on a fantasy crush.

Once Taurus season rolls around on April 19, relationships come into focus in a much more serious way. The rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in your partnership sector is opening up your mind to all sorts of new adventures and perhaps even changing your idea of what you’d like to commit to. Expect the unexpected when it comes to matters of the heart. A few days later, a powerful full moon in your sign helps you let go of personal qualities keeping you from being the brightest, shiniest version of yourself in relationships. Embrace exactly who you are at this exact moment in time and you’ll attract more aligned lovers as you move forward.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Your desire for passion is peaking this month, Sagittarius, but it’s not without some drama! Both Mercury retrograde and the solar eclipse are hitting your sex and dating zone, bringing an opportunity to revitalize existing relationships with more authenticity or perhaps seize a second chance with the one who got away. Pay attention to sensitive spots or romantic hang-ups under the eclipse on April 8, as these could be important areas to focus on trying to heal.

An ex-fling or two could show their face in your DMs mid-month, so decide whether you’d like to ignore them, find closure, or get a little messy by giving it a go. Just don’t let yourself get hurt, as emotional flares will still be firing under the full moon on April 23. But by the end of the month, your confidence around relationships and dating will be sky-high, and you’ll be ready to take charge in your passionate pursuit of pleasure.

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Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Dreamy conversations dominate during the first week of April, so it’s a wonderful time to share your wildest fantasies with your lover or text some heart-eyed sweet nothings to a potential crush. Things feel more intense once the solar eclipse hits on April 8, so use the emotional energy to start working through heavy memories that may be weighing on your relationships. Freeing yourself of this baggage allows you you to be more vulnerable in love.

The sensual vibes of Taurus season take hold on April 19, lighting up your desire to bring more romance and flirtatiousness to your relationships. If you’re single, this is a great time to schedule some exciting dates with an unexpected match, and if you’re partnered up, embrace some thrilling new experiences to bring extra playfulness to your connection. Once amorous Venus joins the sun in your romance zone on April 29, it’ll be easier to attract passion and pleasure.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

It’s easy to get into your head right now, but the first week of April is a dreamy time to turn off your thoughts and embrace sensual pleasures instead. Plus, a little playtime is the perfect distraction from the chaos of eclipse season! Speaking of, intensity planet Pluto in your sign will connect with romantic Venus just before the eclipse on April 8, giving you a chance to start impactful conversations with partners or potentials. Don’t be afraid to peel back the layers of the onion and try to connect on a deeper, more intimate level.

Communication is an important theme in your love life right now, but once Taurus season comes around on April 19, remember that you might be extra sensitive to what the people close to you have to say. Try not to let baggage from the past seep into your current romantic situations, and don’t take things too personally if a lover expresses something in a less-than-perfect way. Mercury is still retrograde until April 25, after all, so we all need some grace when sharing our inner thoughts with someone significant.

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Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

On April 3, amorous Venus aligns with your cosmic ruler Neptune in your sign, sprinkling a veil of rose-colored magic over the first week of the month. Your aura is enchanting, so it’s a great time to charm your crush with your dreamy ideas or bring a sexy fantasy element to a current relationship. Major financial shifts could arise under the solar eclipse on April 8, and Mercury retrograde can make it hard to crunch numbers and see your situation with clarity. Save splurge-y date nights for after the retrograde passes — or see if your partner will foot the bill. Tell them your horoscope said so.

Taurus season on April 19 brings out your social side, so get chatty on the dating apps or catch up on casual conversations with your partners. The full moon on April 23 is sparkling in your chart’s adventure zone, encouraging you to break out of your comfort zone and try something new. It’s a good time to plan a romantic getaway or reframe your outlook on conducting relationships.