The last lunar cycle of the calendar year begins on the afternoon of Dec. 30 — less than 36 hours before the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve — and it’s wrapping up the astrology of 2024 with a burst of empowerment. This rare black moon is here to help you connect with your goals from a more realistic perspective and bring them to life in a way built to last. However, some planetary squabbles are happening alongside this lunation, so the signs most affected by the Dec. 30 new moon may want to be ready for action.
This new moon is rising in the industrious and hardworking sign of Capricorn, which is a perfect vibe for buckling down and setting some pragmatic intentions for the year ahead. Capricorn zodiac energy is all about being ambitious, disciplined, and staying focused on your goals, and this lunation can make it easier to embrace these qualities within yourself.
The new moon isn’t making any major connections to other planets, but there are some rough cosmic edges to the astrology surrounding this lunar moment. Firstly, expansive planet Jupiter will be squaring off with down-to-business Saturn — Capricorn’s planetary ruler — bringing an uncomfortable feeling of restriction and a desire to break free from the bounds you’re expected to work within. Embracing Capricorn’s practical and down-to-earth approach can help you navigate these polarizing vibes.
Additionally, a feisty Mars retrograde will be opposing cutthroat Pluto at the time of this new moon, so competitive streaks could flare and grudges could start crystallizing. It may be tempting to bite back at every bark right now, but try to stay in your lane instead of letting yourself give in to the drama.
The last new moon of the year is ripe with potential for everyone, but some zodiac signs will feel its cosmic effects more intensely than others. If you’re one of them, be prepared to get real as you wrap up the final hours of 2024.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
This new moon is hitting your house of work and daily routines, which isn’t generally considered a dramatic area of the chart. But under the current cosmic conditions, you’re dealing with more intensity than usual. That’s because warrior planet Mars is currently retrograding in your sign, and at the time that this new moon peaks, it’ll be locked in a tense face-off with extremist Pluto, tempting you to give in to power games and taunting your competitive side. With the new moon rising in disciplined and ambitious Capricorn, you might get cutthroat about your goals and obsess over being right at all costs.
Power struggles are real, but you don’t need to give in to every combative urge. This lunation will be much better spent staying in your lane and focusing on your productivity. Adding some healthy new habits to your routine for the new year can give you the sense of control you’re craving — and might help bring more success, too.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
This new moon is taking place in your chart’s communication sector, so it’s a powerful time to take all your brilliant new ideas and start building them into something tangible — or at least plan to make those goals a reality. Expressing your true self in the world isn’t easy, and being vulnerable can trigger a lot of insecurities. But this lunation is pushing you to take some practical-minded steps toward bringing your passion projects or other inspired visions to life.
But what’s happening alongside this new moon is making it intense. Transformational planet Pluto and warrior planet Mars — your sign’s modern and traditional cosmic rulers —will be locked in a tense opposition, which could cause you to get especially cutthroat about your ideas, ambitions, and desire to succeed. It’ll be easy to get caught up in power games or jealousy now, and you may have to fight the urge to stoop down to the eye-for-an-eye behavior if someone sets you off. Focus on your own projects and don’t give into the drama.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
With the two luminaries joining forces in your sign, this new moon is bringing Capricorn season to a peak — and it’s one of the most meaningful opportunities of the year to manifest your dreams into reality. Think of lunar intention-setting as your New Year’s resolutions on hyperspeed. It’s a time to tune out everyone else’s opinions and connect with your ambitions and goals. What do you really want to start building in the world? How can you execute your long-term vision? Are you ready to take the first steps? Now’s the time to get clear on exactly what you want and figure out how to get there.
As the new moon peaks, your stern ruling planet Saturn will be in the middle of a cosmic squabble with expansive Jupiter, so you may be struggling to find a way to bring your ideas to life in a way that captures their truth. Focus on working with what you have and try to connect with a different source of motivation. Sometimes a perspective check is all you need to unlock a new path forward.