Buckle your cosmic seatbelts and get ready to kick this year into high gear, because the astrology of March 2025 is packed with seriously pivotal and powerful planetary activity from start to finish. From the relationship-altering Venus retrograde that kicks off the month to the momentously rare shift for Neptune that wraps things up, all zodiac signs should mark their calendars for the major astrological events of March and prepare for some important shifts.
The last days of February delivered the only brief stretch of the year during which zero planets were retrograde, but that backspin-free window is officially closing as of March 1. That’s when romantic planet Venus stations retrograde, kicking off six weeks of review in love, money, and your values overall. Two weeks later, Mercury retrograde kicks off too, bringing its usual logistical errors into the picture for the remainder of the month.
As if back-to-back retrogrades from two of the most impactful personal planets weren’t enough, March also ushers in the year’s first eclipse season, featuring two powerful lunations that will kick-start and conclude some important personal chapters in everyone’s life. Additionally, Aries season begins on March 20 and doubles as the astrological new year, giving all zodiac signs the chance to embrace a new beginning. Think of this as a New Year’s do-over, if you needed one.
However, the most exciting and meaningful moment of the month arrives at the tail end, on March 30, when dreamy Neptune enters Aries for the first time in 150 years. This marks a brand-new cycle through the zodiac for this spiritual planet and puts a cosmic cherry on top of one of the most eventful months of the year.
Read on for all the major astrological events in March 2025 that you’ll want to be aware of.
A Venus Retrograde Revamp
This new month brings a brand-new retrograde that can rework your relationships, reevaluate your values, and perhaps even revamp your sense of style. That’s because the backspinning planet in question is Venus, which rules love, pleasure, art, and all things luxurious. Venus retrograde kicks off in Aries on March 1, and it’ll be reversing course through the full duration of the month ahead. During this time, expect to closely examine what you value, how you conduct relationships, and what pleases you.
Popping Off With Mercury In Aries
On March 3, mental planet Mercury enters headstrong and firecracker-like Aries, giving everyone a sassier and more impulsive edge to communication. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself speaking off the cuff and brazenly sharing what’s on your mind. You may also have a lot of confidence in new ideas and feel energized to charge ahead on logistical tasks as a leader. Just don’t get too ahead of yourself, as Mercury will start retrograding in less than two weeks!
Pisces Season Power
Venus and Mercury are lit up with Aries’ fiery vibes, but it’s still very much Pisces season when March kicks off, and the sun will remain in this mutable water sign throughout the first few weeks of the month. Pisces zodiac energy gets everyone’s emotions running deep and strong, flooding your heart with feelings and your head with fantasies. In general, it’s a time to tap into your creativity, mysticism, and empathy.
Start seriously focusing on creative endeavors and fine-tuning your fantasies.
The sun in Pisces is making some important aspects during the first half of the month, giving this season a slightly stronger flavor than some. A lucky solar trine with adrenaline-fueled Mars on March 7 gives everyone a motivating burst of gusto that can help you jump-start your goals and channel your emotions into action. A few days later, on March 12, the sun meets with committed and responsible Saturn to form a Saturn cazimi — the perfect time to start seriously focusing on creative endeavors and fine-tuning your fantasies with a healthy dose of reality.
A Cleansing Lunar Eclipse In Virgo
Welcome to eclipse season! The year’s first eclipse is hitting at 2:54 a.m. ET on March 14 (or just before midnight on March 13, for those of you in Pacific Time), and it’s taking place in the organized and orderly sign Virgo. This is a total lunar eclipse that coincides with a full moon, and it’s the first eclipse to take place in this mutable earth sign’s territory since 2008. Eclipses can bring big shake-ups and revelations, and this one is challenging all zodiac signs to release their need for control to embrace life’s mysterious side. Spiritual exploration and creativity require freedom.
Mercury Retrograde Is Back
Start double-checking the details of your emails and re-reading your texts before firing them off to the group chat, because logistical planet Mercury is stationing retrograde at 2:46 a.m. ET on March 15. Mercury rules schedules, timing, communication, and even technology, so its retrogrades can mix things up and slow things down in all of these areas. This backspin kicks off in headstrong Aries but will reverse into Pisces later in the month, so do your best to reign in your desire to speak impulsively or act on every thought — especially if you want to avoid pesky retrograde missteps during eclipse season chaos.
The Equinox & Astrological New Year
There may be eclipses turning your world upside down and dizzying retrogrades, but nothing can put a damper on the dynamic and energizing fresh start that arrives on March 20. To start, it’s the date of the spring equinox, which wraps up the winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Start packing away your heavy coats and digging out your florals, because spring has officially sprung.
This date doesn’t just mark the start of a new astronomical season — it’s also when the sun enters bold and brazen Aries, signaling the beginning of Aries season. This fire sign is self-starting, motivated, and impulsive, so think of this new solar vibe as a cosmic energy booster that’ll help you zoom toward your ambitions and zealously embrace your inner warrior.
Leadership-oriented Aries is considered the first sign of the zodiac, so the sun’s entrance into this fire sign is also the start of the astrological year new. With spring, Aries season, and the sun’s fresh rotation through the zodiac all taking place on one day, this is the perfect time to set some intentions and refresh your goals.
Retrograde Cazimis & Pisces Energy
As Aries season begins, Mercury and Venus will still be retrograding through this fire sign’s realm — and during the first few days, each of these planets will cross paths with the sun, forming special alignments known as cazimis. The Venus cazimi occurs on March 22, while the Mercury cazimi occurs two days later. Both planetary aspects serve as a motivating retrograde checkpoint, allowing you to see things more clearly and start integrating the lessons you’re learning.
During the following days, both planets will retrograde back into Pisces, with Venus leading the charge on March 27 and Mercury following suit on March 29. These two celestial bodies will spend the remainder of their backspins in this water sign, giving the rest of the retrogrades a more sensitive, introspective, and emotional slant.
A Fiery Solar Eclipse In Aries
This month’s new moon is also a solar eclipse in feisty and fiery Aries on March 29. The eclipses over the past couple of years have been cycling through the Aries-Libra axis, and this one serves as the final eclipse in either of these signs from now until 2032. Because of that, the doors that swing open under this lunation teach you to embrace your independence and willingness to be a leader in your own life.
A Big Shift For Neptune
The month ends with one of the most monumental cosmic moments of the year so far, the ingress of numinous Neptune into Aries. Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, magic, and intuition, and it’s been in Pisces since 2011 — so this is the first sign shift it’s made in nearly fifteen years, and the first time it’ll hit Aries territory in more than 150 years. With Neptune in Aries, expect to develop a more empowered and action-oriented relationship with spirituality. Neptune will retrograde back into Pisces temporarily starting on Oct. 22, but the next seven months will offer a sneak peek of the Neptunian energy you’ll be working with for years to come.