January’s Full Wolf Moon Will Shake Things Up For These 3 Zodiac Signs
Ride the waves.

Welcome to the first major lunar moment of 2025. Traditionally dubbed the full Wolf Moon, this year’s premiere lunation is peaking on Jan. 13, and it’s taking place in the soft-hearted sign of Cancer — the sign ruled by the moon itself. This meaning-rich lunation has the power to put everyone in touch with their emotions, giving them the strength to work through these feelings and express them with care. But for a few zodiac signs, January’s full moon will be even more intense.
The disciplined and professional-minded vibes of Capricorn season are in full swing, but this lunation is rising directly across the zodiac in homey and domestic Cancer territory. While your mind may be busy focusing on more ambitious New Year’s goals, this full moon encourages you to make room for your feelings too. Cancer zodiac energy is nurturing and tender, but don’t mistake its vulnerability for weakness. As one of the initiative-taking cardinal signs of the zodiac, Cancer’s natural compassion and emotional sensibility is a powerful gift, and this full Wolf Moon is the perfect time to face your truest feelings fiercely and courageously.
Speaking of fierceness and courage, warrior planet Mars also plays an important role in this full moon’s energy — as the moon will be positioned just a few degrees away from the action-oriented Red Planet, which happens to be in the middle of a major retrograde. Mars has been moonwalking since Dec. 6, so you may have noticed that it’s been more difficult to express your touchier feelings during this period, leading to a sense of built-up pressure and frustration. Thanks to this full moon’s cathartic and climactic energy , everyone’s spirit will be infused with Cancer’s emotional strength and resilience, allowing you to let off steam and share your deeper sentiments in a gentle but powerful way.
As the first major lunation of 2025, January’s full Wolf Moon has lots of meaningful lessons for everyone. If you’re one of the signs most affected by the Jan. 13 full moon, it’s even more important for you to tune in.
Aries (March 21 - April 19):
You’ve been especially career-driven through the past few weeks of Capricorn season, but you’ll probably want to temporarily pause professional plans during this full moon, as it’s hitting one of the most close-to-home and sensitive areas of your birth chart. Deep memories may come bubbling up to the surface now, and while it may be tempting to toss them aside while you focus on your ambitions, you must slow down and process these revelations. Your emotions aren’t a burden — they have a lot to teach you, and ignoring them will only make it more difficult to push forward on your worldlier goals.
Additionally, this lunation is tied up in a strong conjunction with your ruling planet Mars, which is in the middle of an intense retrograde period. Motivation and patience levels can be lower during this time, which makes it even more pertinent to give yourself space to process during this lunar moment.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Assertive planet Mars has been retrograding through your sign since Jan. 6, making it hard to openly express any feelings of anger, frustration, or even desires. But once the full moon peaks in your sign, you’ll find that suddenly your emotions are a lot more accessible. Now’s a time to marinate in your feelings and pull your attention inward instead of focusing on others. Let yourself feel exactly how you do — there’s no need to worry about people’s judgments or expectations.
Challenge yourself to share your truths instead of keeping things bottled up inside of you, as shoving your sentiments aside to please your loved ones will only make you feel further apart.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
It’s your season, Capricorn, so you’ve been ultra-focused on your goals and desires over the past weeks. But this full moon is hitting on the opposite end of the zodiac and activating your house of partnerships, so it’s time to do an emotional check-in on your relationships. You may have found it’s been hard to take initiative with others lately, and expressing your feelings to partners may have felt strained or touchy. And while this full moon may make you especially sensitive, it’ll also give you an opportunity to release some of the pressure you’ve been feeling within your closest bonds, clearing the way to more open and honest communication.
How can you give your relationships some extra TLC? Do you feel comfortable and safe with the people closest to you? This lunation will shine a light on the ways you can step things up in your partnerships and be more true to yourself.