7 Ways To Handle The January Full Wolf Moon’s Dramatic Vibes
Step one? Buy yourself a little treat.

The first full moon of the year arrives on Jan. 25, 2024 at 12:54 p.m. ET (9:54 p.m. PT) in exuberant Leo. When it comes to drama, the lion is in a league of its own. Also known as the wolf moon, this lunation sees deep wounds rising to the surface, and it’s accompanied by life-changing shifts in the cosmos — would you expect anything less from this fire sign? Prepare for January’s full wolf moon by following astrologer-approved dos and don’ts.
Loud, proud, and delightfully sensual, Leo never passes up a chance to dazzle. This zodiac sign represents ego and inspires creativity. You might feel prompted to revisit artistic projects or find unorthodox solutions to stressful problems.
“This lunation could have us feeling in need of attention, but we must be careful concerning how we go about seeking it,” says astrologer Narayana Montúfar. That’s because the sun and moon happen to be forming an intense connection with transformative Pluto (the planet of power).
“On the flip side, we are being given a chance to have deep conversations that we would normally shy away from,” she says.
Here’s how to best navigate the January full wolf moon’s exuberant energy.
DO: Reward Yourself
One thing about a Leo? She’s going to enjoy a little treat. Aquarius season is typically a time for focusing on service and community, but Leo’s influence draws your attention back to yourself.
After the rush of the holidays and the hustle of Capricorn season, indulge your own desires. “Instead of hoping to be put on someone else’s pedestal, go ahead and get up there by spoiling yourself with something nice,” Montúfar says.
DON’T: Go Wild
Sure, Leo is the party animal of the zodiac, but being reckless can have major spiritual consequences. “Jupiter’s involvement might have some of us letting too lose, only to regret it later,” she says. “Express yourself, but do so in a constructive and/or creative way.”
More isn’t always better, and practicing moderation could be the difference between a satisfying night out and a regrettable one.
DO: Strive For Self-Awareness
Full moons are highly emotional, but Leo’s straightforward energy offers the strength to remain resilient during delicate moments. Pay attention to your surroundings, and do your best to respond appropriately. Aim to feel even-keeled.
Pluto’s pressure means you’ll likely see changes on a societal scale, not a personal one. “Collective change will be rampant now, which will put people on edge,” Montúfar says. “For this reason, the more strategic and careful we are in our demeanor, the better things will turn out for us.”
DON’T: Dwell
Full moons prompt endings — including crying tough stuff out of your system. However, this is not the time to ruminate or sulk. Instead, process your emotions with patience.
“If you feel like doing something impulsive, waiting a few days could and will give you a much better perspective,” she says. Leo rules creativity, so channel your feelings into a project.
DO: Prioritize Alone Time
When was the last time you engaged in quality solo play? Not that kind — OK, maybe that kind, too. Though Leo is naturally a social creature, January’s full wolf moon is the perfect opportunity to look inward.
“Leo is the most creative zodiac sign, reminding us how incredibly healing it can be to let our inner child come out and play,” Montúfar says. Allow your heart to lead the way, and everything else will fall into place.
DON’T: Skimp On Beauty Sleep
Expect to feel a little groggy during the full moon. Mars, the planet of action and desire, squares off with Chiron (aka the Wounded Healer), making you extremely aware of your traumas and how they impact you on a daily basis. Naturally, this is draining. Make sure you get enough rest.
Since the moon rules all things related to bodies, it makes sense to focus on the physical. Montúfar recommends sleeping in and taking naps.
DO: Communicate Mindfully
Miscommunication may be afoot. The Jan. 25 full moon forms a tough square aspect to Jupiter, the planet of abundance and learning. “Misunderstandings can get taken out of proportion,” she says.
Because fire energy is often abrupt and impulsive, you might find yourself lashing out. Don’t let the moon get the best of you. “Communicate carefully and from the heart,” Montúfar says.
Narayana Montúfar, astrologer and author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power