
The Spiritual Meaning Of March's Full Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse

Make room for change.

by Nina Kahn
The March 14 full moon lunar eclipse's spiritual meaning.

This month’s full moon is set to be a big one, as it happens to be a total lunar eclipse, and it’s also the last lunation of the winter season here in the Northern Hemisphere. Rising during the wee hours of March 14 (or late-night on March 13, for those on the West Coast), this full moon ushers in the year’s first eclipse season, as it’s followed by a solar eclipse two weeks later.

Everyone is being plunged into the intense energetic spiral of sudden shifts, realizations, and fast-paced changes that these bi-annual periods are known for. Lunar eclipses hold the power of multiple full moons rolled into one, so connecting with the spiritual meaning of March’s full Worm Moon eclipse can behoove all zodiac signs.

Full moons are the climax point of the monthly lunar cycle, occurring two weeks after the new moon when the sun and moon sit opposite one another in the zodiac. But this month’s full moon is extra special, as it’s also a total lunar eclipse. These supercharged lunations occur when the full moon is hitting close to the North or South Nodes — two moon-related points in the zodiac that correspond to themes of growth, destiny, and spiritual purpose.

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Back in January, the North and South Nodes entered the signs of Pisces and Virgo respectively for the first time in nearly two decades, so this upcoming South Node-adjacent lunar eclipse is the first of its kind to take place in earthy Virgo since 2008. It’s the beginning of a new cycle that’ll continue unfolding over the next two years, so the events surrounding this eclipse could pave the way for meaningful changes in your life.

It’s time to sit back and let the cosmos take the wheel because the spiritual meaning of March’s full moon lunar eclipse is preparing you to make room for new growth — regardless of whether you think you’re ready for it. Read on for the full scoop on what to expect from this mystical eclipse energy.

The Meaning Of March’s Eclipse

According to the Almanac, the annual full moon of March is traditionally nicknamed the Worm Moon — a moniker inspired by the earthworms and larvae that emerge from the earth as winter transitions into spring. The earthworms provide sustenance for birds and other critters who’ve had scarce resources through the winter while the larvae symbolize new life, both of which symbolically align with the renewal-focused energy of the spring equinox.

While spring vibes are strongly associated with growth and rebirth, the spiritual meaning of this lunar eclipse is more about the process of purging away the old or letting go of what’s no longer working in your life — necessary steps if you want to make room for new things to take root!

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The eclipse is hitting in Virgo territory, and this practical-minded earth sign is associated with cleanliness, order, and overall wellness. Full moons that take place here can help break bad habits or end unhealthy cycles in general, but because this lunation is also hitting alongside the release-oriented South Node of Fate, the situations being sucked out of your life may feel like they’re happening outside of your control. During eclipse season, the universe is busy realigning you with your higher purpose, and this might mean flushing some things away that are inhibiting your spiritual growth.

Be willing to let go of things that no longer spark joy or serve your best interest.

Additionally, the Worm Moon eclipse will be making a strong opposition to the no-nonsense planet Saturn, prompting some sobering realizations about what no longer aligns with your path or creating a feeling of restriction that forces you to cut the unnecessary fluff from your daily life. You’ll know what feels right and what doesn’t now, so be willing to ditch anything you’ve grown out of instead of wasting energy by holding on. Letting go isn’t easy, but the space and time that’ll be freed up will ultimately allow you so much more freedom to build something even better.

Working With The Eclipse Energy

The March 14 total lunar eclipse precedes the spring equinox by just one week, so both Pisces season and winter are coming to an end right smack in the middle of this month’s eclipse season portal. The spring equinox also marks the start of Aries season and the astrological new year. The sun’s entrance into Aries marks a new solar rotation through the zodiac. Because of this, you can think of the spiritual meaning of March’s lunar eclipse as a very intense pre-spring cleaning of the soul.

With that in mind, the best way to work with this energy is to mentally prepare yourself for a Marie-Kondo-level spiritual purge. Be willing to let go of things that no longer spark joy or serve your best interest. Is that stagnant-feeling relationship, job, endeavor, or situation really going to come in handy one day? Or is it just taking up space?

Whether you consciously cut things off or have to deal with the universe doing it for you, try to find the silver linings, because Virgo’s attentive and improvement-focused eye for detail is dusting out all the nooks and crannies of your life. Sure, the space that’s left behind might feel vast and lonely at first — but you’ll soon find that you can fill this newfound openness with your most visionary dreams.