Here’s How You’ll Be Impacted By Earth’s “Mini Moon”
Prepare for big feelings.

A lot is going on in the skies this fall. You’ll see a powerful solar eclipse in Libra on Oct. 2, a full moon in fiery Aries on Oct. 17, and expansive Jupiter will be retrograde on Oct. 9. Oh, and we’re also getting a second moon. While it sounds like the stuff of sci-fi movies, this is actually happening — and it might just impact your zodiac sign.
Here’s the deal: On Sept. 29 Earth’s gravity snagged a “mini moon” and pulled it into our orbit. This second moon is technically an asteroid called 2024 PT5. According to astronomers, the moon is way too small and far away to be seen by the naked eye, but astrologers think it could impact the astrological landscape in quite a few ways.
“What's interesting about the mini moon is that it's arriving smack dab in our current eclipse cycle,” says astrologer Stevie Goldstein. “We just had a whopper of a full moon eclipse in Pisces on Sept. 17 and another one is coming up on Oct. 2 just days after the mini moon's arrival.”
While Earth has had plenty of mini moons before — there are a lot of asteroids in space, after all — this one is special because it’s sandwiched between several powerful celestial events. And according to Goldstein, that’s why it contains a hefty amount of starry symbolism. “It's almost like a planetary nod from above to take this eclipse cycle and the themes that come up during it seriously,” she tells Bustle.
Here’s what to know about the second moon, including where it came from and what it all means.
What To Know About The Mini Moon
According to the Associated Press, the mini moon is an asteroid about the size of a school bus. It was first spotted coming this way in August and is now orbiting Earth. Turns out, events like this happen all the time. The last known mini moon occurred in 2020.
This space rock, which usually circles the sun as part of a small asteroid belt that follows Earth, will join our moon in an orbit for 57 days before it leaves on Nov. 25 and spirals off into space. It’s expected to come back in 2055.
The Symbolism Of The Moon
According to astrologer Letao Wang, the moon represents emotions and the inner self, it rules over the water sign Cancer, and it also governs your reactions to life. That’s why the phases of the moon are so significant in the world of astrology.
Traditionally, new moons are a time for manifesting and goal setting, full moons are all about endings and letting things go, and chaotic eclipses are for lying low and letting the universe sort itself out. The fact this second moon is arriving now, in the middle of it all, could be a reminder to truly let go.
With two moons in our sphere, it could also mean that two complex feelings will ring true simultaneously, says Goldstein. “Having a pop-in from a moon-like comrade feels like a ripe moment to consider that this time in your life might contain lots of complexities and multiple truths all at once,” she tells Bustle.
For the next two months, think about how things might not be as black and white as they seem, and how your life’s biggest questions might not have clear-cut yes or no answers.
The Zodiac Signs Affected By The Mini Moon
While the mini moon will be nothing but a blip in the cosmic radar for some, certain zodiac signs might feel something stirring in the air. According to astrologer Talisa Zampieri, moon-ruled Cancer will sense the second moon’s presence the most, as will the more energetically sensitive signs, such as Pisces and Scorpio.
This moon is also joining Earth’s orbit at the beginning of the Libra new moon solar eclipse on Oct. 2, so Libras and Libra placements might get an extra reality check, says Goldstein. Instead of doing anything special right now, she recommends kicking back, accepting the second moon, and letting life’s cosmic forces unfold.
“As eclipses in general can be periods of heightened emotions and instability, it could be a useful time to simply observe what comes up for you,” says Zampieri. “How does your body feel? What patterns are you noticing? We are always our own greatest teachers.”
If you want to send a celestial nod to the mini moon, you can do so by paying attention to your moon sign and what it represents. “If you're an Aries moon, honor your impulsivity. Pisces moons, on the other hand, might need to move at an even slower than normal pace and honor their physical limitations,” says Goldstein. “Honor what your moon sign craves!”
Stevie Goldstein, astrologer
Letao Wang, astrologer, spiritual counselor
Talisa Zampieri, astrologer