Your tarot card for today is The High Priestess. This stunning member of the major arcana represents many mystical things like your inner wisdom, intuition, and spiritual path — and it’ll set the tone for a magical day.
It implies you should start the week in a slow, mindful way, which might look like moving at your own pace in the morning or literally taking a moment to be still — just like the figure on the card. It’s a hint to do something special as a way to tap into your inner voice, too, like going for a meandering walk, meditating, or taking five minutes to journal.
As you attempt to slow down, see what bubbles to the surface — and keep tapping back into those feelings throughout the day. Do you have any nagging concerns? Do you feel like you need to make a change? Are you sensing that you aren’t being fully authentic? Whatever it might be, it’s time to stop ignoring your gut feelings and actually listen to what they’re trying to tell you.
While you won’t be able to dreamily float through your entire day, The High Priestess recommends being as mindful as possible, especially if you start to get busy. She is said to exist right on the fringe of the subconscious, so it’s in your most chaotic moments that you might lose touch with the inner wisdom that’s found there.
If that sounds like a weirdly nebulous concept or you simply can’t imagine slowing down right now, you’re in luck. Something in the air today will make it easier than ever to tap into this mystical side of yourself, so take advantage of it.
Try taking three deep breaths as you walk to work or go ahead and daydream about your future. Let ideas come your way. See what’s stirring in your mind. If nothing’s standing out to you, simply appreciate the art of slowing down and being a little more contemplative today.
And just FYI, this isn’t a time to make pro-con lists or to FaceTime a friend to ask for advice. That’s way too tangible and practical for The High Priestess. This card has more of a mysterious energy to it, so let yourself be a little woo-woo with it all. The High Priestess suggests you’ll instinctually know what’s next for you.