Today’s tarot card is the King of Pentacles. For the next 24 hours you can mirror its abundant, rich energy by taking stock of your finances, setting a few money-related goals for the future, and maybe even buying yourself a cute little treat.
Money is definitely on your mind today, and that makes perfect sense for the first Monday of the new year. It’s an excellent time to check in on your finances to see where you stand, so go ahead and scan your statements.
As you scroll through your bank app, take stock of where your cash flows each month. If you don’t like what you see — maybe your takeout total brings a tear to your eye — then consider cutting back or setting a budget for January.
Lots of people on TikTok are trying a low-buy challenge, which could be a good source of inspo. The King of Pentacles represents responsibility, security, and stability, so you might want to follow along and tweak your spending to ensure you have enough cash for a rainy day.
With its shiny coin and rich-looking greenery, this card also suggests more money might come your way. The King of Pentacles represents abundance, personal growth, and prosperity, which means a promotion, raise, or more success within your business may be on the horizon. (It is hardworking Capricorn season, after all.)
This card is all about balance and harmony, so it’s totally OK if you give in and buy something unnecessary today, like the oat milk latte you’ve been craving or the vintage bag you’ve been eyeing on Depop. Since this tarot card also represents generosity, the urge to splurge could happen when you spy the perfect gift for a friend in a store window.
As a final note, the King of Pentacles reminds you to take good care of yourself — and that can take many forms. If you’re feeling stressed, strained, or spent after the busy holiday season, then feel free to lie low this evening.
The King of Pentacles knows that you have to take care of your own needs in order to give back to others, so don’t be afraid to wrap yourself in a robe, pour yourself a cup of tea, and enjoy a cozy night in.