The astrology of 2025 promises an action-packed year ahead, and there will be no shortage of excitement when it comes to romance. Relationship planets Venus and Mars will both retrograde during the first half of the year, prompting everyone to do a review of what they want out of love. There’s lots to look forward to, and you’ll want to mark your calendar for the most romantic day of 2025 for your zodiac sign.
If you’re looking to the planets for some pointers in love this year, there are a couple of celestial bodies that you’ll want to make note of. The first is Venus, the planet that rules romance and relationships. Named for the goddess of love and beauty, Venus is known as one of the “benefic” planets in traditional astrology due to its ability to bring harmony, sweetness, and attractiveness wherever it goes in the zodiac. In 2025, Venus will retrograde from March 1 to April 12, allowing all zodiac signs to review their partnerships and reconnect with their values in love.
Another powerful force in love is Mars, the planet of sexuality, passion, and lust. This red-hot energy is about chasing after your desires and connecting with your raw and primal instincts. Mars will be retrograde throughout the first couple months of 2025, so you may feel a little less confident when taking action in sex and relationships — but you’ll feel a lot more empowered once it stations direct on Feb. 23.
When it comes to what’s happening within your birth chart, there are a few houses of the zodiac that are influential for romance. There’s the seventh house, the zodiacal home of relationships, commitment, and even marriage. There is also the fifth house, which is associated with passion, sex, and dating. Whenever planets activate these regions of your chart, you can expect more activity taking place in your love life.
Read on to find out the most romantic day of 2025, based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Most Romantic Day: May 22, 2025
Love planet Venus will be in your sign for an extended period this year thanks to its retrograde cycle, so you’ll be doing lots of reviews when it comes to love. But the height of romance comes around May 22, when Venus in your sign forms a gorgeous trine aspect to your lustful ruling planet Mars, which will be in your chart’s sex and dating zone.
This steamy alignment is the perfect time to take initiative in relationships and can infuse your love life with red-hot passion. Later the same day, dreamy Neptune in your sign will blow a kiss to the sun in your communication zone, bringing rose-colored magic to conversations to boot.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Most Romantic Day: April 20, 2025
April 20 is the first day of Taurus season, so you’ll already be feeling a solar boost of confidence and sparkle. But additionally, your amorous ruling planet Venus will be in your social eleventh house alongside committed Saturn and the North Node of Destiny, and they’ll collectively be blowing a kiss to eccentric planet Uranus in your sign.
This sweet aspect is a reminder that sometimes love can strike when you least expect it. A surprise romantic connection could emerge that feels totally meant-to-be, or a meet-cute could show some long-term potential. The moon will also be positively aspecting Uranus, so let your freak flag fly in relationships and embrace the unusual.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Most Romantic Day: July 6, 2025
Love planet Venus is in your sign from July 4 through July 30 this year, making you extra desirable and helping you attract romance all month long. One of the most fun and flirty days comes at the beginning of this transit, as Venus blows a kiss to both dreamy Neptune and committed Saturn in your social eleventh house.
Go ahead and let yourself get lost in a lavender haze. You may be looking at love through rose-colored glasses this week, but you probably won’t float too far out to space with Saturn’s grounded presence involved. The following day, Venus will make a lucky trine to deep and transformational Pluto too, so you’ll feel everything with a little extra intensity. Soak it up.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Most Romantic Day: Jan. 13, 2025
Capricorn season lights up your partnerships sector for the first few weeks of the year, and the gorgeous full moon in your sign on Jan. 13 is one of the most romantic cosmic opportunities of all. The moon will be aligned with lusty Mars in your sign, giving you equal parts sex appeal and empowerment. A sweet lunar connection with electrifying Uranus adds an exciting element of unpredictability to this full moon. Anything is possible, in love and beyond.
Additionally, amorous Venus will be blowing a kiss to communicative Mercury in your relationship zone, making it easy to have flirtatious conversations and heart-to-heart pillow talk. Tell your lovers how you feel.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Most Romantic Day: Dec. 19, 2025
The fun and free-spirited vibes of Sagittarius always activate your chart’s sex and dating zone, and the new moon on Dec. 19 will bring you a major opportunity to manifest your heart’s most passionate desires.
In addition to the fertile vibes of this lunar moment, amorous planet Venus will be lighting up your flirty fifth house too, making a lucky trine aspect to sensitive comet Chiron. Collectively, this energy lays out the perfect groundwork to start healing from past heartaches, embracing new adventures, and writing a steamy new chapter in your love life.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Most Romantic Day: Feb. 1, 2025
It may not be Valentine’s Day yet, but Feb. 1 marks one of the most romantic moments of the year for you. That’s because the amorous planet Venus will be forming a luscious triple conjunction with the dreamy planet Neptune and the North Node of Destiny, and this special alignment will be taking place in your chart’s relationship sector.
Right now, relationships will take on a magical and otherworldly electric charge. Love feels like a rose-colored fantasy, and the things that transpire or feelings that arise could be especially fateful. Opening your heart to love can be intimidating, but don’t hold back. Now’s the time to go all in.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Most Romantic Day: Oct. 14, 2025
Your amorous cosmic ruler Venus will be lighting up your sign during Libra season, making it easy to attract all of your heart’s desires. And on Oct. 14, love will feel especially electric, as sweet Venus in your sign will be in a gorgeous Grand Air Trine with wild-child planet Uranus and transformational planet Pluto.
This magical Venusian alignment activates your chart’s adventure sector and your sex and dating zone, bringing an intense sense of depth and excitement to your romantic endeavors. Expect the unexpected and don’t run from any intensity. Love always requires risks, and these will pay off.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Most Romantic Day: Nov. 19, 2025
Lover planet Venus will be lighting up your sign with its amorous and attraction-fueling magic during Scorpio season, but things will feel extra romantic around Nov. 19, as that’s when Venus will be making a gorgeous trine aspect to the North Node of Destiny in your sex and dating zone. This aspect lights up all sorts of meant-to-be moments in your love life, and it’s an important time to follow your heart and honor your desires.
At the same time, the sun in your sign will be blowing a kiss to the lucky planet Jupiter in your adventure zone, so you’ll feel especially open-hearted and ready to explore new realms in love.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Most Romantic Day: June 4, 2025
Look forward to some spring flings and a summer of love, as amorous planet Venus will be visiting your chart’s sex and dating zone for an extended stay, livening up your love life with passion, attraction, and pleasure. These vibes hit their peak come June 4, when Venus forms a magical trine aspect to abundant planet Jupiter — your cosmic ruler — in your partnership sector.
This is one of the sweetest and sexiest moments of the year, and relationships will feel more fulfilling than ever. There’s loads of potential to bring more commitment to something casual now, too.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Most Romantic Day: Aug. 11, 2025
Venus is the planet of love, while Jupiter is the planet of luck — and on Aug. 11, these two fortunate cosmic forces will come together for a conjunction in your chart’s partnerships zone. Right now, relationships are more meaningful than ever, and there’s a boundless sense of hope, optimism, and joy to be found in your love life.
This is also a potent moment for commitment in relationships, and you’ll find that it’s easier to emotionally connect with your lovers. Explore the depth of romance and all the magic that it brings.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Most Romantic Day: Aug. 9, 2025
Leo season always lights up your chart’s partnerships sector through the heart of summer, but the romantic vibes hit a fever pitch under the full moon in your sign on Aug. 9. This lunation highlights your needs in relationships, putting you in touch with your desires in a whole new way. But it’s also a time when you’ll feel especially open to trying new things in love.
That’s because lusty planet Mars will be in your chart’s adventure zone during this full moon, and it’ll be making a gorgeous grand trine with transformational Pluto and wild-child Uranus. This lucky cosmic triangle activates your chart’s passion zone, bringing all sorts of depth, magic, and electrifying surprises to your love life. Keep an open heart!
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Most Romantic Day: April 6, 2025
Sweet planet Venus is lighting up your sign with its amorous energy for an extended time this year, thanks to its retrograde. One of the steamiest and most meaningful moments comes on April 6, when Venus connects with committed planet Saturn, and they collectively make a lucky trine aspect to lusty planet Mars in your sex and dating zone.
With Venus and Saturn together, love takes on a more serious tone, and you’ll feel clearer about what you want long-term. With Mars’ passionate energy in the mix, you’ll feel empowered to act on your heart’s desires.
Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.