October is that special time of year when the cozy harvest vibes of early fall start shifting into the darker shades of autumn’s spooky season — and the astrology of this month is wasting no time plunging you into the intensity of it all. With a spine-tingling eclipse, some dizzying retrograde activity, and the mystery of Scorpio season on the not-so-distant horizon, you’ll want the full scoop on October’s major astrological events.
October opens with a powerful solar eclipse in Libra — an inarguably intense start to the month, and also an exciting kickoff to spooky season. Brace yourself for big realizations that could shift your relationships and general outlook. Once the eclipse dust settles, you can get back to enjoying the pumpkin-spice-flavored magic of Libra season, which puts a focus on partnerships and intellectual connection. Libra’s amorous ruling planet Venus is slinking through sultry Scorpio this solar season, bringing love to a sizzle, too.
Some post-eclipse harvest parties and autumnal date nights are a must! Transformative planet Pluto is relinquishing its spot in the outer-planet retrograde party, as it stations direct on Oct. 11 — just two days after lucky Jupiter’s annual retrograde begins. You’ll get an early taste of Scorpio season once logistical Mercury joins Venus in this water sign’s deep seas on Oct. 13. But this Mercury-Venus collab doesn’t last long, as Venus heads into free-spirited Sagittarius later that week, bringing a happy-go-lucky and open-minded flair to matters of romance from Oct. 17 onward.
A feisty full moon in Aries rises on the same day, serving as an exciting closing act to an eventful Libra season. Once Scorpio season begins on Oct. 22, it’s time to get into the spooky side of autumn full-stop. Halloween’s right around the corner, so get into the spirit and embrace life’s darker and more mysterious aspects.
A lot is going on in the cosmos this month, so check out your full October 2024 astrological forecast for a sneak peek at what’s to come.
Libra Season Energy
The first three weeks of October comprise the bulk of Libra season 2024, inspiring you to balance out any extremes in your life, find ways to compromise, and look for the beauty in everything — even with the overlapping chaos of eclipse season rocking the cosmic boat. Libra zodiac energy values peace, harmony, and appealing aesthetics, so embrace the “live laugh love” vibes of autumn and indulge in a pumpkin patch photo shoot or Bath & Body Works fall candle haul.
Communication planet Mercury will be traveling alongside the sun in Libra for the first couple weeks of the month, too, amplifying Libra season’s refined and charming energy. This influence pushes you to think more fairly and carefully weigh the pros and cons of your decisions. If you’re dealing with any drama within your relationships, you may be able to smooth things over by initiating some diplomatic conversations.
New Moon Solar Eclipse In Libra
Libra vibes are hitting a fever pitch on Oct. 2, as a powerful new moon solar eclipse will be rising in this air sign’s territory. The sun and moon in Libra will be in tight conjunction with the mental planet Mercury as well as the South Node of Destiny — a cosmic point that symbolizes your past and letting go. You may have some realizations or receive some information that’ll help you grow out of ideas, relationship dynamics, or situations that have been holding you back from embracing your independence and asserting your will.
Retrogrades Beginning & Ending
Jupiter retrograde begins on Oct. 9, and it’ll be backspinning in the open-minded and curious sign of Gemini until February of next year. Jupiter is generally considered a lucky and benevolent cosmic force, so while some retrogrades are known for being chaotic, this one probably won’t disrupt your life too much. Instead, this marks a time to review your current philosophies on life, question the framework of your belief system, and reconsider the way you’ve been sharing your ideas with the world around you.
The retrograde party will be getting crowded once giant Jupiter hits the scene — because two days after this good-luck planet starts moonwalking, Pluto’s annual retrograde will be wrapping up. After more than five months of backspinning, this cutthroat planet will start moving directly in down-to-business Capricorn, crystallizing some of the longer-term transformations that have been reshaping the foundations of your life.
Mercury Enters Scorpio
The planet of intellect enters investigative Scorpio on Oct. 13, meaning it’s time to look beneath the surface and start dissecting the inner workings of every situation. When Mercury is in stealthy Scorpio, there may be a tendency to get a little paranoid if you’re reading into things too hard, so a little side-eyeing and back-watching is likely. If any mysteries need to be solved or intuitive hunches need to be followed, now’s the time.
Full Hunter’s Moon In Aries
Eclipse season will end, but the full Hunter’s Moon on Oct. 17 is out for blood. This full moon is rising in the fierce and fiery sign of Aries, shaking up the harmony-seeking energy of Libra season with its single-minded and determined vibe. This lunation is forming an intense aspect known as a grand cross, as the sun and moon will collectively square off with warrior planet Mars and power-hungry planet Pluto. Now’s a time to fight for what you want, whether that’s within your relationships, career, or anything else.
Venus Enters Sagittarius
The full moon energy is dominating the last week of Libra season, but there’s a silver lining — because, on the very same day as this lunation, love planet Venus enters Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the zodiac’s free-spirited party animal, so relationships will take on a more spontaneous and fun-loving glow under its thrill-seeking influence. You may be more inclined to try new things in romance or otherwise add some spice to your love life.
Scorpio Season Begins
Let’s get spooky! The sun enters sly and shadowy Scorpio on Oct. 22, plunging everyone deep into this water sign’s cavernous realm of feelings. Emotions are likely to get more intense during this transit, as Scorpio tends to seek extremes, so you may find yourself adopting a more all-or-nothing approach to things. Most importantly, Scorpio's zodiac energy doesn’t want any artifice or surface-level BS — it’s all about tapping into raw emotion, diving into the darkness, and embracing wholehearted transformation. You’ll be craving realness at all costs, so cut right into the heart of what’s important to you and face the truth, no matter how difficult.