
Your September Tarot Reading

Don’t let your dreams move on without you.

by Jezmina Von Thiele
Your October 2024 tarot reading highlights that it's your time to shine.

September’s back-to-school energy is strong this year. Each month, I ask my tarot deck, “What do we need to know?” For the month ahead, show up ready and motivated, with pencils sharpened.

The five-card tarot spread I created represents...

  • Energy: Your vibe right now.
  • Situation: What’s happening around you.
  • Obstacle: A struggle you’re facing.
  • Action: What to do about it.
  • Lesson: What you’ll learn from this.

Your September 2024 Tarot Reading

Your Energy: Queen of Wands

Your energy is blazing hot. This is the time to act on your dreams and passions, and make things happen. Network, create, pitch, and follow through with confidence. You have so much potential and capability right now.

The Queen of Wands isn’t all about fire, however. There’s also a strong water influence, which is your reminder that sometimes the best way to make or sustain progress is to take time to rest, observe, and let life unfold. Your intuition will guide you to act when necessary.

Your Situation: The Chariot

The Chariot is insisting that you move forward one way or another. Either you take the opportunity at hand and find change as a result, or you’re left behind and changed regardless, though perhaps not in the way you hoped. Don’t let your dreams move on without you.

This card represents the momentum of life. Even if you are taking the tiniest steps toward your desired future, those are still steps in the right direction.

Your Obstacle: Seven of Wands

When presented as an obstacle, the Seven of Wands is about recognizing that progress is not always easy, but you shouldn’t give up. There will be pay-off and success in your future if you can overcome today’s challenges.

Make sure you’re working toward the right goal. This isn’t encouragement to stick it out through a toxic job or an unhappy relationship. You can only control your own actions, not the world around you. Instead, focus on the more rewarding work of changing your circumstances for the better.

Your Action: Eight of Coins

The cards are circling around one cohesive idea: You better work. The Eight of Coins paints a picture of a strong commitment to your craft — which may or may not be related to your career. What do you most want to achieve in life? Consider what gives you real satisfaction, because the Eight of Coins is all about loving the process.

Whatever your dream is, whether it falls in the realm of love, home, health, career, creativity, or miscellaneous joy, now is the time to make steady progress. While you work toward your destination, don’t forget to enjoy the journey. That’s where you spend most of your time, and where you learn the most.

Your Lesson: Two of Wands

Many of us are taught that we need to be able to do it all ourselves, but human history is the story of community and collaboration. As you are moving forward with the fiery power of the Queen of Wands and the steady pace of The Chariot, you will inevitably come to realize that you need support, especially when you get to those Seven of Wands obstacles. Good! Ask for help! You will be better for it.

If you’re an entrepreneur, look for organizations that train small business owners to be more successful. If you’re writing a book, find a coach or editor. If you’re dating, ask your friends for advice or to set you up. No one knows how to do everything, but everyone knows how to do something.

Let yourself be vulnerable enough to ask for and receive help. This is the key to success.

How To Use September’s Tarot Lessons

September is giving strong back-to-school energy, whether or not you’re actually heading to the classroom. It’s time to get things done, move toward bigger goals, and push through challenges. Work hard, but not alone.

Try making a spider chart to help you organize your goals and needs. Draw a circle in the middle of the paper and write your main goal in the middle. It can be something general, like happiness, or specific, like completing the needlepoint project you started months ago. That’s the body of the spider.

Then draw the lines (or legs) radiating off the main circle, and at the end of each line draw another smaller circle with components of that main goal. For instance, if your center goal is a more balanced lifestyle, your legs might be labeled “workout routine,” “more time with friends,” “pottery class,” “less screen time.”

For each of these circles, draw a few smaller legs representing the help you would need. For instance, “workout dates with Diana on Wednesdays,” “call Courtney,” “reach out to pottery teacher,” “ask Jasmine about the timer app they mentioned.”

You can use this method for starting a business, relationship goals, marathon training, anything. Breaking a big goal down into doable parts makes it more attainable.

Jezmina Von Thiele’s tarot readings celebrate their Romani heritage. Their forthcoming book with Paulina Stevens, Secrets of Romani Fortune Telling, shares more details about how they read tarot and other divinatory tools. For more on tarot, click here.