
Your Bank Account This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

What goes around comes around.

by Nina Kahn
A Tarot Reading About Money: Week Of March 10 – March 16, 2025

One of the luckiest new moons of the year is coming up this week, rising in the forward-thinking sign of Aquarius on Jan. 29. If you’ve got financial and professional goals that you’re hoping to tackle this year, now’s the perfect time to grab your ideas, make them even more innovative, and then take action. Whatever you put your mind to now has the potential to yield abundance.

Good vibes are all around, as this week’s money tarot reading also brings pleasant messages in the realm of finances and an overall theme of fairness and equity. Doing what’s right will pay off now — literally — and imbalances will start evening out, both within your work life and your bank account.

If you want some energetic insight around cash and career, check out the cards I pulled to guide you through the week ahead.

Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?

If you’ve been working on a big professional project or pursuing some other important financial endeavor, this week might be when you finally bring it all to the finish line. The Four Of Wands is a celebratory card that symbolizes the euphoria of hitting a major milestone. With this energy present, you’ll likely be reaching some money goals right now, so take time to honor your accomplishments and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

This card may also indicate that you should set funds aside to indulge in some merrymaking this week. Perhaps that means treating yourself after a job well done at work, splurging on a gift or party for a loved one, or otherwise bankrolling some sort of celebration. Either way, you’ve got plenty to feel pleased about this week, so enjoy the jovial vibes and soak up the magic of the moment.

Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?

Life isn’t always fair, but this week, the rule-abiding Justice card has shown up to bring some law and order to your money situation. If you’ve been slighted or screwed over financially, justice is likely soon to be served, so keep your head up and your vibes high. You may feel like you’ve gotten the short end of the stick lately in your cash flow or investments, but with this powerful tarot energy present, you can trust that the universe’s balancing scales are beginning to tip in your favor.

The Justice card also serves as a reminder that all actions have consequences, so right now, it’s important to act by your values and try to do what’s right. If you have to make any money decisions this week, don’t let anxiety or fear cloud your judgment and drive you to do something shady or unjust. Make financial choices that are fair, equitable, and conscientious and you’ll reap the rewards in the long term. Remember, justice will always be served eventually.

Card 3: What will impact your career this week?

When people are willing to share, there will always be enough resources to go around — and you’ll have to keep this sentiment in mind when it comes to your career over the coming week. The Six Of Pentacles is a powerful symbol of the cyclical nature of giving and receiving, so right now, it’s important to stay open to other people’s generosity at work. For example, if you’re being underpaid, this could be a sign that your employer is willing to adjust your income to make things more equitable. It never hurts to ask! It’s also possible that a colleague or mentor will offer you a favor or extend a warm handoff, and you should take advantage of their kindness if so. Don’t let your pride get in the way of accepting a helping hand when you need it.

Alternatively, you may be the one enjoying a feeling of abundance in your professional life at the moment — whether that’s an abundance of experience, authority, or income. So if you come across opportunities to pay it forward in your workplace, don’t be stingy. What goes around comes around, so do what you can to play fair.

Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.