Sagittarius season begins on Thursday, bringing a free-spirited and happy-go-lucky vibe that might find you favoring party time over professional responsibilities. But do your best to stay on top of things, because this is the last week before Mercury retrograde swoops in to start meddling with logistical matters, which can make it much more challenging to get ahead on work projects or plan new financial endeavors. Keep an eye on where things stand.
In this week’s money tarot reading, all three cards represent iconic and powerful members of the deck’s Major Arcana — so the themes and archetypes at play speak to some larger-scale issues that can potentially have a longer-lasting and more meaningful impact on your life. The moves you make (or don’t make) this week could be pivotal, so peep the cards I drew to help guide your cash and career.
Card 1: What do you need to know about your finances this week?
Whatever you need to know about your finances this week probably requires you to slow down before it can fully reveal itself. The Hanged Man is about surrendering to whatever your circumstances are, thus allowing yourself to look at your situation differently. Through the eyes of the character depicted on the card, the world is suddenly upside down, which provides him with a helpful new way of seeing the world — one that will allow him to pick up on things that weren’t obvious before.
With the Hanged Man energy present (combined with the fact that Mercury enters its storm this week in preparation for the retrograde that begins on Nov. 25), it’s time to press pause on whatever it is you’re doing and start looking at your money situation with fresh eyes. Whether you’re dealing with financial struggles or facing frustrating roadblocks at work, this card indicates that it’s time to step away from your desk, get some fresh air, and think about things in a new light. You’ll start seeing things a lot more clearly once you do.
Card 2: How can you feel less anxious about money?
The Hierophant is the tarot’s great teacher, symbolizing wisdom, order, and dogma. So if you’re dealing with money stress this week, it’s probably not advisable to stray from the status quo and make any rash or high-risk moves out of desperation. Instead, focus on sticking to more tried-and-true ways of solving your fiscal problems and following more traditional social conventions when planning your next moves. If you can connect with people who have some authority, power, or experience with the things that are worrying you — whether that’s a financial adviser at your bank or a mentor in your professional field — this is a great time to seek their counsel.
Alternatively, because the Hierophant also symbolizes social norms and institutional power, you might relieve some of your money stress this week by giving yourself a perspective check around what’s meaningful. Money is human-made — it’s just fancy paper and numbers on a screen. And while earning and spending cash is certainly a necessity of modern life, remember that the societal norms and systems you’re forced to abide by don’t define who you are inside. That realization won’t pay your bills, but it could bring you a sense of spiritual well-being that puts things in perspective.
Card 3: What will impact your career this week?
As the very last card in the narrative arc of the tarot’s Major Arcana, the World is all about culmination and completion. Something related to your career is coming full circle this week, whether that’s a project that’s finally come to fruition or a realization about your professional path that you’ve come to accept. Enjoy this feeling of wholeness and bask in the lessons you’ve learned thus far. This is one of many journeys you’ll take professionally, but something has reached its climax, and it’s making space for a whole new world to emerge.
Cosmically, this is well-timed, as this week is an ideal one when it comes to closing one chapter in preparation for the next. With Mercury retrograde lurking right around the corner, starting new things in the logistical realm isn’t advisable, and current work projects or communications could face frustrating delays. Wrap up what’s come to an end and put a bow on it this week, because new paths are unfolding. The World wants you to know that the world is at your fingertips.
Nina Kahn is Bustle’s resident astrologer and tarot reader.