Today’s tarot card is the Three of Cups and really, what could be more perfect on the eve of Christmas and Hanukkah? With its trio of women raising gold chalices to the sky, it’s said to represent friendship, social events, and a sense of coming together for a celebration.
The meaning of the card will be helpful to keep in mind as you head to crowded holiday parties or reunite with relatives at a family dinner. It’ll set the mood and remind you to have a good attitude no matter what happens, but it also hints that your various get-togethers will be smoother than anticipated. Sure, your aunt might sneak in a prying question or two, but you’ll barely bat an eye this year. In fact, thanks to your extra dose of confidence, you might even be genuinely happy to see her.
Today’s also an excellent day to bring a partner home for the first time or try something new for the holidays, like celebrating with friends instead of family. If you’ve been stressing about your plans, the Three of Cups suggests you have nothing to worry about. Simply let it all unfold as the day goes on and chances are you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
By the time mid-day rolls around, you’ll feel like a veritable Santa as you make it your mission to spread good cheer. It’ll be your idea to turn on Christmas music, your idea to make a giant vat of coquito, and your idea to take everyone on a holiday stroll around the neighborhood to enjoy the lights once the sun sets. What’s gotten into you? Why, the Three of Cups, of course.
This card also suggests it’s an ideal time to reach out to people from your past that you haven’t talked to in a while. Is there a friend on your mind? An ex who’s turned into a platonic pal? Send them a text and wish them a happy holiday. It could strike up an entertaining conversation, but if nothing else it’ll make them feel warm, fuzzy, and appreciated.
As one final cherry on top, don’t be afraid to announce any major successes you’ve had this year. The Three of Cups is all about celebration, so clink your fork on your glass at dinner and boldly let everyone know that you got a promotion, that you’re moving to a new city, or whatever else feels right. You deserve to have everyone raise a glass and give you a moment of recognition.