Today’s tarot card is the Nine of Swords, so brace yourself for a bout of anxiety. This card represents all the big, bad emotions like negativity, fear, anxiety, and dread as represented by the artwork that shows someone sobbing in their bed. (The dramatic wall of swords only adds to the tension.)
This card might not come as a surprise if you woke up with morning anxiety or if you tossed and turned due to vivid dreams — and maybe even a few nightmares. When the Nine of Swords appears in a tarot reading it often represents inner stress and turmoil, which might relate to something you’ve recently been worrying about.
Maybe you heard some news about an ex. Maybe you’re still processing everything that happened during the holidays. Your anxiety could stem from something that’s clearly weighing heavily on your mind or something less obvious that you’ve yet to unpack. Whatever the issue is, it feels unresolved.
Unfortunately, this theme might follow you throughout your day as you head to work, check emails, and attempt to get things done. Something will feel “off,” even if you can’t quite put your finger on why.
While this tarot card could point to very real anxieties, worries, and fears, it can also hint that things aren’t as bad as they seem. Since the suit of swords represents the mind, it’s a sign that a few of your stressors might be “all in your head,” so to speak.
It’s possible that something feels like a giant problem when in reality it’s not. Your stress might be shining a spotlight on an issue that’ll soon blow over, even if it doesn’t feel that way right now.
Today could be rough, but you can get through it in one piece. If you’re currently riddled with nerves, give yourself permission to take a deep breath. There’s a good chance many of the things that are keeping you up at night are outside your control — which is actually to your benefit. You don’t have to fix anything today. Isn’t that a huge relief?
If you need support, reach out. Send a vent-y voice message to your best friend, schedule an appointment with your therapist, or just treat yourself extra well until the scaries go away. Tomorrow is a new day.