Your Daily Pull

Your Tarot Reading For Wednesday, January 8

This card can be interpreted in two very different ways.

by Carolyn Steber
Your daily tarot card suggests you'll set plans in motion today.
Maca and Naca/E+/Getty Images

Your card today is the Seven of Pentacles. It shows a person pausing to look at a garden embellished with gold coins. They could be admiring its progress — or wondering why it isn’t growing faster.

That’ll be the theme for the next 24 hours. While you might feel super grateful for everything you already have, there could also be a tiny nagging voice in the back of your head that’s saying, OK, but what else?

If you’re leaning more toward gratitude, take a second to jot down three things you appreciate. Maybe you’re finally settled into your new apartment, officially happy with your job, or thrilled that your rescue cat is starting to feel at home. Whatever it is, be proud of the work you’ve done to get here.

Chances are you’ll keep heading in the same positive direction, and if you keep pushing, you’ll eventually see equally amazing things in other areas of your life. Maybe you don’t own a house or have a corner office, but that doesn’t mean you never will. This card is all about slow and steady progress, patience, and perseverance — and it looks like you’re well on your way.

If you aren’t the least bit impressed with your current state of affairs and don’t see things changing for the better anytime soon, then this card encourages you to start investing in your future. Pentacles cards represent the earth element, which is connected to money, career, and stability. To get all those things and more, you have to plant some seeds.

Spend the day noodling on some small changes you can make right now that’ll snowball into something bigger and better six months down the line. Crack open your laptop to take stock of your bank account, look at job listings, peruse some courses and classes. Follow your whims and see what excites you (a side quest, perhaps?), what needs an overhaul, and what you can sign up for. Who knows? Maybe you’ll feel inspired to take a whole new path.

This card also throws a nod to how friendships and relationships need to be nurtured. If it’s been a second since you hung out with your BFFs, send them a text today. This weekend will be a refreshing, energizing time for a catch-up.