
3 Zodiac Signs Will Face An Uphill Battle During February's Full Moon

Get ready for a tug of war between your head and your heart.

by Brittany Beringer
Originally Published: 
4 zodiac signs will be most affected by the february full snow moon
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Welcome to Pisces season, star angels! Kicking off the season of dreams is the full moon in altruistic Virgo, arriving on Feb. 24, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. ET (4:30 a.m. PT). You might have noticed the vibes haven’t been giving the typical Piscean fantasy lately (more on that later), but luckily, February’s full Snow Moon is a potent time to manifest your dreams. That said, if you’re one of the zodiac signs most affected by this lunation, you’ll have to jump over a few obstacles first.

In astrology, the full moon is all about facing emotions and letting go of what no longer aligns with your highest self. Since la luna is moving into Virgo — the type-A earth sign that plans everything to the last detail — February’s full Snow Moon can feel like a tug of war between your head and your heart.

“When the sun is in Pisces, we tend to deepen our exploration of the non-tangible side of life,” says astrologer Narayana Montúfar. “We get lost in daydreaming in a world of fantasy — but when the moon becomes full by opposing the Pisces sun, we can put our feet back on the ground.”

This year, Pisces season has felt a little off because Saturn, the planet of responsibility and karma, moved into the water sign in March 2023. Bringing daydreams to fruition has been tough. Because the full moon sits opposite Saturn, it can be difficult to roll with the punches when a wrench gets thrown in our plans — especially if you’re among the few zodiac signs who will be hit hardest by February’s full Snow Moon.

“Since Saturn is a master teacher planet, it will bring reality checks concerning the realization of our dreams,” says Montùfar.

Read on to find out if you’re one of the zodiac signs most affected by February’s full Snow Moon.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

During the full moon in your native sign, expect to take things personally. “Virgos will most likely feel very emotional at this time and they should definitely allow themselves to have all the feels,” Montùfar says — though she warns it’s not a time to be overly practical. “Instead, Virgos should allow themselves to release any pent-up emotions.”

Give yourself the grace to change. You’re not the same person you were six months ago, and that’s OK.

Saturn’s presence may open up new possibilities within your love life. “Some of these Virgos could even get proposed to or take their relationship to the next level,” she says.

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Prepare for discomfort, Libra. The full moon can feel intense as it lights up your area of subconscious and secrets, pushing you to abandon your idealism and embrace your practical side. “Due to Saturn’s presence in Pisces, many Libras will be dealing with a heavy workload, so they must reserve their energy so they can take care of business,” Montùfar says. But as long as you can create boundaries and get enough rest, you’ll avoid burnout.

Need one more reason to cherish your work/life balance? “For those Libras who are in a serious relationship, this full moon could be a time of closeness in their relationship,” she says.

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)

You’re learning a few hard lessons under this full moon, Pisces. As you celebrate another solar return, Saturn nudges you to notice responsibilities that can no longer sit on the back burner. “While [you] could be feeling overwhelmed now, staying on top of [your] game is key now,” Montùfar says. “Some natives from this sign could even see the materialization of a dream come true.”

Be patient and resilient. The milestones you’ve been working toward since Saturn moved into Pisces in March 2023 could manifest tenfold.


Narayana Montúfar, astrologer

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