
You Need To Start Talking To Your Water (Yes, Really)

TikTok says so.

by Carolyn Steber

To ensure your morning glass of water works double duty, you might add some lemon juice or a packet of electrolytes, but have you tried talking to it? Apparently, this is one of the best and easiest ways to manifest your goals, and it’s currently having a moment on TikTok where the search for “water manifestation method” yields thousands of posts.

In a video from Feb. 8, creator @blanketsoflove shared how much better she feels since she began talking to her water. “Happiness, health, safety, protection, oneness, intuition, joy, love, abundance,” she says directly into her water before taking a sip.

“When I found out that you can talk to water and that water absorbs energy and emotions [...] I started doing it,” she says in the video. On the days she talks to her water, she feels good. On the days she doesn’t, she notices a marked difference. “Is this the placebo effect?” she wondered. “Or is my water actually healing me?”

In another TikTok, creator @linasaraloa said you can speak affirmations and mantras into your water and voice how you hope to feel on a given day. In her comments, one person said, “Just me chatting to my water bottle now,” while another person said, “WTF, this actually works!”

The notion that water can help you manifest your goals crosses cultures and languages. The practice has been around for ages, and it’s something you can try at home. Here’s what to know.

Why You Should Talk To Your Water

Water manifestation is a practice based on the theory that water holds energy, intention, and memory, says Mikaela MacLean, an astrologer and Human Design guide. It centers on the idea that “where your attention and intention goes, energy flows.”

This theory picked up speed in the ‘90s when Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher, conducted water experiments that suggested water molecules change their structure based on the words, thoughts, and emotions directed at them, MacLean tells Bustle. “His studies showed how water crystals exposed to both positive and negative words resulted in either harmonious versus disharmonious patterns and shapes — attracting attention regarding water’s responsiveness to human consciousness.”

When you think about how this might impact you physically and mentally, it starts to make sense. Your body is made of 70% water, after all, meaning it’s a powerful conductor of energy and intention. As you speak to your water, you infuse it with these measurable energetic frequencies and thus “imprint” your water with positivity, says MacLean, and it can imbue your body with these qualities, too.

As it goes with all manifestation techniques, the power of the mind also plays a role. “Traditional scientific research has not definitively proven that water holds intentions, but Dr. Emoto's work, as well as the field of quantum physics, suggest that consciousness can in fact influence matter,” she adds. “Plus, there is science behind the placebo effect, which has a definite positive impact on our physical well-being.”

How To Manifest Using Water

Here, MacLean explains how to do the water manifestation method. Remember, it’s all about intention and positivity, so don’t let doubt or outside noise distract you as you manifest. Make sure your word choice is always positive: “I am healthy” versus “I am not sick.”

  • Pour a glass of water. (Purified is best.)
  • Use a favorite mug or a pretty glass, if you like, to add to the moment.
  • Meditate before the practice to get clear on what you want.
  • Set your intention.
  • Speak it directly into your water. Say your affirmation or mantra clearly.
  • Really feel it. For example, say “I am happy and healthy” and picture it as if it’s already true. Imagine yourself happy and healthy.
  • Repeat the statement.
  • Take a mindful sip as you imagine the water infusing every cell of your body from head to toe.
  • Do it in the morning to set the tone for the day and/or at night to set the stage for good sleep.

How Long Does It Take To Work?

If you’re looking to feel more positive and grounded, the effects could kick in within those first few sips thanks to the ritual, your mindset, and the act of taking a moment of gratitude. As time goes on, MacLean says you could experience even more significant shifts as you continue to embed these words, energies, and frequencies into your cells.

For short-term goals, you could focus on a different feeling or mantra each day. “One day you might focus on ‘beauty’ and another it’s ‘peace,’” she says. If you have a big meeting, you could speak “calm” into your water — or whatever else you might need.

For long-term goals, like completely overhauling your attitude or manifesting a new job, consistency is key. “Using the same affirmation or mantra daily helps to focus and reinforce the goal in your subconscious mind,” she says. “The key is to be present, mindful, and genuine with the words you choose.”

Studies referenced:

Radin, D. (2006) Double-blind test of the effects of distant intention on water crystal formation. Explore (NY). doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2006.06.004.


Mikaela MacLean, astrologer, master aesthetician, Human Design guide