
Your Love Life This Week, According To A Tarot Reader

You’re finding your rhythm.

by Carolyn Steber

If you’ve been dying to define your relationship, this might be your week. For some of you, it could feel like your love life is finally starting to find its rhythm. For others, the days ahead could be filled with inspirational moments that encourage you to keeping looking for love.

To see what’s in store, Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual counselor, pulled three cards to answer a set of love-related questions that can be applied universally, regardless of your relationship status, and shared advice for navigating it all.

Card 1: What do I need to know about dating and relationships this week?

The Hierophant is a major arcana card that represents big themes like tradition, knowledge, and conformity. It has staunch, serious vibes, and when it comes to relationships, that can only mean one thing: marriage.

In all seriousness, this card does suggest that important conversations and big commitments are on the horizon. “You and your partner may find yourselves discussing future plans or desires for a more structured partnership,” says Wang. “It invites you to explore these deeper connections and shared values.”

If you’re still in the talking stage, that might mean defining your relationship or making things official. If you’ve been dating for a while, you might decide you’re finally ready to move in together. For others, the topic of marriage might actually come up. Whatever the case may be, embrace this new stage.

If you’re single, Wang says The Hierophant is an indication that it’s time to look for something serious. Instead of expecting your most recent hookup to magically turn into something more, consider starting from scratch with someone who shares your goals from the jump.

This is also a card of wisdom, so it might be worthwhile to ask for advice from people whose relationships you admire. Heck, you could even ask them to set you up on a date. This card does have those old-school vibes, after all.

Card 2: How can I attract more love this week?

The Six of Pentacles is all about generosity, kindness, affection, and balance in the form of giving and receiving. To attract more love this week, Wang recommends looking for ways to embody these ideas.

Since the artwork on this card shows someone handing out coins, it could be a sign that you’ll need to support your partner in the days, weeks, or months ahead. If they’re going to grad school, for instance, it might be necessary to have their back while they take time off work to study. They’ll be so grateful — and they’ll likely return the favor in the future.

This giving dynamic could play out in any number of ways, but the main takeaway is to be generous with each other. Good relationships always have a sense give-and-take. There are large-scale ways to be generous, as well as plenty of smaller ways, like treating each other to dinner or helping each other with chores. These acts of love are what the Six of Pentacles is all about.

If you’re single, this card is a not-so-subtle hint that it’s time to get out there and volunteer. “The Six of Pentacles encourages you to share your time and resources with others,” says Wang. “Not only will this foster good will, but it may also draw kindred spirits closer to you. The universe rewards such positive energy.”

Card 3: How does my date or significant other feel about me this week?

The Six of Swords shows a group of people paddling away from rough waters towards calmer seas — and a pretty nice looking coastline in the distance. When it shows up in a tarot reading, it suggests you’re leaving a tough era behind and that you’re ready for a fresh start.

Similary, the person you’re dating has likely been processing their thoughts related to negative past experiences, says Wang, but they’re also looking for a way forward. Did you have an argument? Or break up for a few days? They might be in their feelings about it, which could account for any distance or awkwardness you’ve been detecting.

To paddle through it together, Wang recommends encouraging them to express their feelings. “If you’ve just experienced some upheavals in love, this card is a good indication that the situation will calm down and both you and your partner will be able to hold a conversation rationally,” he says.

If you’re single but hoping to find a partner, the Six of Swords encourages you to leave self-doubt and negative beliefs in the past. It’s so easy to feel discouraged when your dates don’t work out, and it’s even easier to give up and stick with someone who’s “just OK.”

Instead of feeling defeated, or worse — settling for someone you only halfway like — do yourself a favor and let them go. There’s no need to settle for a mediocre connection when better things are just ahead.


Letao Wang, astrologer, tarot reader, spiritual counselor