
7 Text Games To Play With Your Long-Distance Partner

You'll stay more connected *and* entertained.

by Lexi Inks
Originally Published: 
April Fools' Day Instagram captions to use

For many couples, spending time apart can be healthy and a way to make their time together even more enjoyable and meaningful. But when you’re a couple in a long-distance relationship, you might find that extended time apart can be difficult and affect how connected you feel to your S.O. Occasional visits, video calls, and distance-friendly gestures (like sending surprise gifts or flowers) can help, sure, but some couples in an LDR might need more help in their day-to-day — which is where text games with your partner come into play.

Beyond the usual “How was your day?” messages, playing games with your long-distance partner over text can be an easy way to provide relief from feelings of disconnection — while even adding to your collection of inside jokes with each other. Of course, texting and calling your partner in general are necessary modes of communication when it comes to staying present in your S.O.’s life, but an LDR can still weigh on anyone when they miss their love. “Without the relief of seeing one another, long-distance couples have to manage a tremendous amount of longing without the certainty of comfort, connection, or touch happening anytime soon,” Mollie Eliasof, a relationship therapist, previously told Bustle.

If you want to keep your convo fun and interesting with your bae, here are some text games to play with your long-distance partner.

1Mad Libs

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Try playing the classic Mad Libs game by giving your partner a handful of different types of words to come up with (like adjectives, verbs, nouns, etc.) — the more funny and random, the better. For a twist, use these words to fill in the blanks in a short story you write out through a text. This variation might take a bit more effort, but the lol-worthy results will be worth it.

2Translate The Emojis

As the name suggests, you can take turns using a combination of emojis as code for a certain word or phrase and have your partner try to guess what you’re trying to say. An example: Pairing two ice cubes with a baby emoji is another way to spell out Vanilla Ice’s timeless hit.

3 GIF War

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If you’re getting tired of the same old text conversations day after day, get creative and try to communicate only using GIFs. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a GIF will take it to a whole other level.

4Text Trivia

A whole world of information is a Google search away. You know what that means: You’ll have plenty of fun or weird facts to use for a text-based trivia game. The loser who can’t remember the 7th president of the U.S. has to order the other person some Uber Eats.

5Finish The Lyrics

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Test your partner’s knowledge of the latest Drake track or see if they remember that Phoebe Bridgers sad girl song you’ve had on repeat. Whether you’re both music nerds or share a few cheesy playlists together, anyone can appreciate a few rounds of “finish the lyrics.”

6F**k, Marry, Kill

You can never go wrong with a round (or three) of f**k, marry, kill. The options for this game can be as wacky and out-there as you want — get creative and enjoy.

7I Spy

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Don’t let the distance stop you from trying out traditionally in-person games. You and your partner can take turns sending pictures or videos of your surroundings and play “I spy.” Put yourself in the pics or vids as an added bonus that allows your love to see your shining face.

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